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0-517 Chemical-biological warfare: U.S. policies and international effects.Hearings before the subcomm.on national secu rity policy and scientific development of the comm, on foreign affairs... 91 congr. 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1970.
V, 515 p.
Id 30 Chemical warfare:deterrence C-517 through strength.Total army readiness. July 1984. c ' 1984.	' >
12p. ,ill.
K 30	6935
ж 11
Chemical warfare in Soviet military doctrine.Ed.by Enrico Jacchia. Roma,Centro di studi strategic!,1985.
И 11
M 0 C-517
Chemical warfare many unanswered questions.April 29,1983.
122p. /Comptroller gen. of the U.S.Rep.to the Congr./
M 0
M 30
H 11
6065 c
II 30 Chemical warfare review coramis-0-517	sion,Washington.
Report of the... June,1985-
M 30
PI 37
И зб.1
С-517 Chemical weapons: destruction and conversion.-L.:Taylor and Francis Ltd,1980.-201 p.-Index:pp.197-201.-(SIPRI).
И 36.1; B37-611.2
H 0 Chemical weapons: destruction and C 517 conversion./Current disarmament problems/. Ind,, Taylor & Francis, 1980.
201 p.,ill.,map. (SIPRI) Index p.197-201.
KE 0;B 37-611.2;
M 30;M 11;
n 37;B 37-64;B 37-61
KE 0	Chemical weapon free zone?
C-517 Id by Ralf Trapp Oxforn-Lnd ,
Oxford U P ,1987
211 p /8IPRI Chemical and biological stud no 7/
XL 0
B 0 VL 30
B 37-64
0 37
C 517
Chemical weapons proliferation: Hearing and markup before the comm, on foreign affairs and its Subcomm, on arms control, intern, security and science, and on intern, economic policy and trade. House of repres.1O1st Congr.,1st sess.-Wash.:GPO,1989.-85 p
C-517 Chemistry in the economy.-An American Chemical Society Study supported in part by the National Science Foundation. Wash., 1975.
xii, 600 p. Index: pp.555-600.
C-517 Chemistry in the economy.An American Chemical Society Study supported in part by the National Science Foundation. Wash.,1973.
xii, 600 p.
C-548 Chemsky,Neam
*’or reasons of state. N.Y.,Vintage books,1973«
xxxiv, 440 p. Bibliogr.: pp.409-
428. Index: pp.429-440.
liil-CI',/} i7 -7
A 30
S 797
op. 2192
Cheney D.
Statement of Secretary of defense before the House armed services commitee in connection with the FY 1991 budget for Department of defense Febr. 6 1990.
T 62
C 518
Cheng. C h.u-yuan
China’s petroleum Industry«Output growth and export potential. N.Y. a. o.,1976.
XVII,244 p.	(Praeger spec.stud,
in intem.economics and development) Bibliogr.p.214—256.	Index p.21?“
244 p.
F 62
5265 C
B37-7 C-518	Chenoweth, Lawrence. The American dream of success: The search for the self in the twentieth century. - North Scituate, Massachusetts : Duxbury Press, 1974. - XVI, 237 p. - Bibliogr. : p. 216-226.-Ind. :p. 227-237.
B 37-01	7045