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B 37-6	?
C -456 Changing East-West relations and the Unity of the west.
/Ed.by Arnold Wolfers/.-Baltimore:
The Johns Hopkins Press,1964.-xiii,242p Index:pp.239-242
B 37-6,B 37-64, B 37-612
The changing economics of agriculture : challenge and preparation for the 1980’s. A staff study prep, for the use of the subcomm, on agriculture and transportation of the Joint economic comm. Congress of the U.S. Wash.,HP0,1983.
IX, 38 p.
c	The changing economics of agri-
culture: review, evaluation, and future directions.Hearings before the subcomm, on agriculture and transportation of the Joint economic comm. Congress of the U.S.
97th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO, 1982.
v,401 p.
rsn; m/<pj
321	14168
4-457	_ Changing employment patterns of
scientists, engineers, and technician in rnanu facturing industries: 1977-80 Wash.,National Science Foundation, 1982.	—
vii,51 p.
K321; B37.-280; 5125
Changing inegualities in Rich
B 37-2 countries: analytical and comparative
C 456 perspectives. -Ed by W. Salverda, B. Nolan, D. Checchi. Oxford, University. Press,2014.-41 Ip.
1646 c
B 2 C-455
Changing Latin Ainorion. How Interpretations of its Politics & Society/ Ed. by D.A.Chalnors.-N.Y.: Columbia University, 1972.-X, 193 p.-Index:p.191 -193«
B 2; B37-64
В 37-64
С-456	The Changing order in Northeast Asia
and the Korean Peninsula / Ed. by M. Lee, R.W. Mansbach. - Seoul, Korea: The Institute for Far Eastern Studies Kyungnam University, 1993. - X, 289 p.
' 235.5
0-454 ^hanging pattersn in foreign trade and payments.Ed.woth an introd.by Bela Balassa.	N.Y.,W.W.Norton,1970.
xiv, 252 p.
f r 233,SW/
K38 C-456
Changing patterns in information retrieval.C.Fenichel, ed. 10th annual National Information Retrieval Colloquium.May 3-4,1973.Phila.,Penna.	Wash.
Amer.Society for Information Science, 1974.
175 p. Index: pp.163-175.
B 37-280
r 924
f 90-70
Changing patterns of work in America, 1976. Hearings before the subcomm, on employment, poverty and migratory labor of the comm, on labor and public welfare U.S. Senate. 94th congr., 2nd sess. - Washington : GPO, 1976.-V, 497 p.
C-456 Changing perceptions of the Soviet Union, American use of force, and nuclear weapons-rDetroit,Michigan: Market Opinion Research,1989.-120 p.-(American talk security^A series of surveys of American voters:attitudes concerning National Security Issues. No.12).
B37-64; B37-6
C 456
Changing perspectives in East-West commerce.Ed.by Cax£ H.McMillan. Lexington,Mass.,a.o.,Heath,1974.
XXIX,207 p. Bibliogr.p.189-196. Index p.197-207.
J 52; 9 ’>1 ,-r 984.
3270 C
B 37-6 Changing perspectives on U.S, C 456 arms transfer policy,Rep.prep.for the Subcomm.on intern.security and scientific affairs of the Comm, on foreign affairs,House of repr, Sept.25,1981. Wash., GPO, 1981.
132 p. (U.S.Congress, 97, sess.,1)
B 37-6;B 37-64i
B 37-69 ;K 30
The changing politics of the South I Ed. by William C. Havard. - Baton Rouge : Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1972.-XXV, 755 p.
K35 C-457
Changing public attitudes on governments and taxes.1981. Wash., Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations,1981.
K35; B37-534 '927 ; T926.2