
Подождите, идёт загрузка

B 37-64
Chace, James.
Endless war. How we got involved in Central America - and what can be done.
- New York : Vintage Books, 1984. - 144 p.
B 37-6
Chace, James.
Solvency: the price of survival. An essay in American foreign policy. - New York : Vintage Books, 1982. - 115 p.
Г 921.0
0-4.51 Chacko, George К.
Applied operations research.- Systems analysis in hierarchical decision-making. Vol s 1,2.	Amsterdam-Ox-
ford-New York,North-Holland-Amer. Elsevier, 1970.
Vol.1. Systems approach to public and private problems. XXVI,480 p. Name index: p.465-467; subject index: p.468-480.
_ see next card , Л Гй/ C. Г311; ПН.ГГЗЯ-i. ^ГЗЯ.з; ГЗО-З', ГЗМ^ЗЗ
fsai.o - 2 -
Chacko,George K.
Applied operations research.
Vol.2. Operations research approach to problem formulation and solution.
XXVIII, 555 p. Name index: p.541-545; subject index: p.544-555«
A FWi °] riit / r№. i, r^i-^ rse-i, rMl
C-451 Chacko,George K.
Technological forecontrol: prospects,problems and policy.Managing today’s technology for tomorrow’s living. Amsterdam-Oxford-New York,North-Holland publ. Co.-American Elsevier publ.Co., 1975.
xxi. 457 p. (Studies in management series and systems.Vol.l). Name index: pp.445-449; Subject index: pp. 450-457.
2/. 0
B 37-296
Chafee, William Henry.
The American woman. Her changing social, economic, and political roles, 1920-1970. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1972.-XIII, 351 p.
C-zi^^Chafee, Zechariah,Jr.
documents on fundamental human rights The Anglo-American tradition.Comp., ed. and with a pref.by Z.Chafee.2vls.	N.Y.,
A theneun, 1963 .
Vol. 1.	428 p.
Vol. 2.	395 P.
£512 ',££
C-454 The Chairman’s Report for.1967« To members of the Republican National Com mittee. Febr. 25,1968» Wash.,1968.
56 p.
C-433Chakravarty Sukhamoy.
Capital and development planning. Foreword by Paul A.Samuelson. Cambrid ge,Mass.,The M.I.T.Press,1969« xx, 344 p. Index: pp.341-344.
M 30 Chalfont,Alun
C-436	Star wars.Suicide or survival?
Boston-Toronto,Little Brown,1985.
I69p. .ill.
Index pp.165-169
M 30
M 37
B 37-611.3	7228*
M 220
0-437 Challenge and commitment:A defence policy for Canada.-Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1987. -90 p.
|/| 220; 1^221
0-437 Challenge and commitment: comments on the defence white paper. Toronto, Canadian Institute"of International Affairs,1987.
22 p. (Behind the Headlines. Vol.45, No.l).
/7 220
B 37-6
The challenge of building peace. The first national convocation on. - New York : Fund for Education in World Order, 1969.
- 62 p.
C-516 The challenge of crime in a free society.A report by the president’s commission on law enforcement and administration of justice. Wash.,GPO,1967.
340 p.
<Sp. 1818
C-437 . The challenge of peace:God’s promise and our response:A pastoral letter on war and peace by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.-Wash.• Design Network,Inc.,1983.-x,138 p.-
A 37;B37-294