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C-437 Challenge of world population explosion: to slow growth rates while improving quality of life. Wash., Comptroller General of the U.S.,1976.
iv, 74- p. (Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.)
[30', 6,37'/7 £39-^,
В 37-2
Challenge to leadership: economic and social issues for the next decade / Ed. by I. V. Sawhill. - Washington : The Urban Institute Press, 1988. - 326 p.
B 37-202
The challenge to system analysis. Public policy and social change / Ed. by Grace J. Kelleher. - New York, a. o. : John Wiley & Sons, 1970.-VIII, 150 p.
T 90-58
C 437
Challenges for U.S.national security. Assessing the balance:defense spending and conventional forces. A preliminary rep. ,P.II.Prep.by the Staff of the Carnegie panel on U.S. security and the future of arms control. Wash.,Carnegie endowment for intern.peace,1931•
*,1?4 p.
PIO; Il 31;U 30;
IP 33
II 30 Challenges for U.S.national seen C 437 rity:defense spending and the economy. The strategic balance and strategic arms limitation. A preliminary rep. Prep.by the Staff of the Carnegie panel on U.S.security and the future of arms control. Wash.,Carnegie Endowment for Inter, peace,1981.
7,139 p.
I-I 30; II 31;	rllC
B 37-611.2;B 37-64 A	5369c
B 0 C-437
Challenges in the Middle East.
Regional Dynamics & Western Security./ Ed. by Nimrod Novil & Joyce Starr.-N.Y.: Praeger, 1981.-IX,133 p.-Index: p.125-128.
BO; B 37-62; B 11
B 37-6
Challenges to America. United States foreign policy in the 1980s I Ed. by Charles W. Kegley, Patrick J. McGowan. - Beverly Hills-London : Sage Publications, 1979.
- 312 p. - Bibliogr. : p. 291-306. - (Sage International yearbook of foreign policy studied).
B 37-6
C-437	Challenges to international relations in
Post-Cold War Europe / Ed. by K. Khudo-ley, S. Tkachenko. - Saint-Petersburg : Saint-Petersburg State University Press, 2002. - 176 p.
В 225-8
С Ч^
Chalmers,Floyd S.
Both sides of the street.One man’s life in busjnéss and the arts in Canada.	Toronto.,Mac-
millan, 1983.
VIII,296p.,16 l.ill. Index pp.287-296.
В 225-8
43 Chamberlain, Ethel L.
Technology assessment: a bibliogra phy. Santa Monica,Calif.,Rand Corp., 1971.
10 p .
r 233.5 G 443	Chariberlain,John The roots of capitalist. Indianapolis,Liberty press, 1976. 293 p. Index p.205-293.
r 233.5	>	4423
C-444 Chambers Bradford
Chronicles of Negro protest.back ground book.Documenting the history of black power.Comp.and ed.with comm.by Bradford Chambers. N.Y.,Parents’ Maga zine Press,1968.
219 p.
©hampers Dictionayy of science and techn ology / Chambers; Gen.ed.: Walker P.M.B. - Edinburgh; If.Y.; Chambers, 2©©@. - XVII,1325 p.: ill.
r255.5 C-444
Chambers E.J. a.o.
National income analysis & forecasting. Glenvie, Ill.,Scott, Fores man and Company, 1975.
406 p. Index: pp.596-Z|-06.
C-445 Chambers M.M.
Higher education: whi pays? Who gains? Financing education beyond the high school. Danville, Ill.»Printers & Publ.,1968.
XV, 302 p. Index: pp.293-302.