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\П44 і U-——.__>
Roberts,Frank H.H.
A Folsom complex preliminary report on investigations at the Linden-meier site in Northern Colorado... Washington,1933•
35 p. with ill.;9 l.ill. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous collections.Vol. 94,N 4).
' '	Roberts,Frank H.H.
Shabik’eshchee village.A late basket maker site in the Ghaco Canyon, New Mexico.	Washington,Gov.print,
VIII,164 p.with ill.; 16 l.ill. (Smithsonian institution.Bur.of American ethnology.Bull.92). Bibliogr.: 4 p.
Smith Sh.A.
The Methodist Point site: a Middle Ontario Iroquois camp on Georgian Bay. - Toronto, 1979. -86 p., fig., tabl.
(Archaeological research re port 11}.
П< ’ П*

Studies in Ohio archaeology.Ed. by O.H.Prüfer a.D.H.McKenzie.Rev.ed. /Kent (Ohio)/,Kent state univ.press, 1975.	• .
XX,380 p.with ill. Ind.sp.359-380.Библиогр.в конце статей.
Steward.Julian H.	„ .
Ancrent caves of the Great Salt Lake region. . Washington, Gov. print. ofh, 1937.
XIV,13Ip.with ill.;6 1.ill.(Smithsonian institution.Bur. of Amer, ethnology. Bull.116). Bibliogr.:p.125-126.Ind.:p. 127-131.
Steware, Tulian H.
Petroglyphs of the United States Washington, Gov. print, off., 1937*
20 p. incl.ill. 6 ill.
Prom the Smithsonian report for p. 405-425»
Stirling, M.W.
Smithsonian archeological projects conducted under the Federal Emergency Belief Administration, 1933-34. Washington, 1935*
p. 371-400, 10 pl.ill.
From the Smithsonian Report, 1934 Public. 3324.

Harpons Paleo-Esquimaux de la region dSIgloulik. - Paris, 1980. -107 S., El.
(Recherche sur les grandes civilisation. Cahier nO 2).
Tlinkit u.Haida.Indianerstämme der West küste von Nordamerika.Kultische Kunst und Mythen des Kulturkreises. Verfasser Ernst Fuhrmann. Hagen W. Darmstadt,1922.
46 S.,61 Taf.111.	(Schriften-
Reihe Kulturen der Erde.Material zur Kultur und Kunstgeschichte aller Völker. Band XXII).

Toppan B.N.
Some modem monetary questions. Philadelphia. 1881
9 p.
Treganza A.E. and Bierman A.
The Topanga culture final report on excavations., 1948. London.1958.
86 p.,6 fig.,3 таре,8 pl. (Anthro pological records, v 20, N 2.)
Walker, Winslow, M.
A caddo burial site at nathchitoch.es, Louisiana Washington, Smithsonian institution, 1955«
15 P»» 3 ill. (Smithsonian miscella-neous collections. Vol. 94, N 14)
Walker,Winslow M.
The Troyville Mounds Catahoula parish, La. Washington,Gov.print.off., 1936.
VII, 73p.with ill.-,9 1.111. (Smithsonian institution.Bur.of Amer.ethnology. Bull. 113). Bibliogr.:₽.67-68.Ind.: p.69-73.

Wasley W.W, and Johnson A.E.
Salvage archaeology In Painted Rocks Reservoir western Arizona, Tucson,1965.
125 P.,87 fig.,2 maps, (Anthropological papers of the University of Arisona,N 9) •
Webb,William S.
An archaeological survey of the florris Basin in eastern Tennessee. Wa Washington,6ov.print.off.,1938.
IV,398p.with ill.;82 1.ill.(Smith-soniah institution.Bur.of Amer.ethnology .Bull.118.) Bibliogr.:p.383-386. Ind.:p.387-398.