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Antiquities of the upper Gila and Salt River valleys in Arizona and New Mexico. Washington,1907.
96 p.with ill., 10 pl.ill., 1 map-r (Smithsonian Institution.Bureau of American ethnology. Bulletin 55).
Bibliography p.90.
Skeletal remains suggesting or attributed to early man in North Arne rica by Ales Hrdlicka. Washington Government print.office,1907.
113 p. with ill.; 2 l.ill. (Smithsonian institution.Bureau of American ethnology.Bull.33).
Archaeological investigations in the Taos Valley,New Mexico,during 1920. Washington,Smithsonian institution ,1929•
29 p.with ill.; 8 l.ill. (Smith sonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.81,N 12).
Judd,Ne il M.
Archeological observations North of the Rio Colorado. Washington,Gov. print.off.,1926.
IX,171 p. with ill.; 31 l.ill. (Smithsonian institution.Bureau of American ethnology.Bull.82).
Lit.5 P.
Judd,Neil Merton.
The excavation and repair of Be-tataki. Washington,Smithson.Instit 1930.
77 p.; 46 pl.ill.
N 2828 - from the Proceedings of the United States National museum. Vol.77,art.5.
Kehoe Thomas F.
The Gull Lake site: A prehistoric bison drive in Southwestern Saskatche wan. - Milwaukee public Museum. Publi cations in Anthropology and History. 1973 no. 1. - 206s., tabl., pl.
Krieger,Herbert W.
A prehistoric pit house village site on the Columbia River at Wahluke, Grant County»Washington. Washington 1928.
29 p.i 7 pl.ill.
N 2732.From the Proceedings of the United States National museum.Vol.73« p.1-29.
Kroeber A.L.
Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America. - Berkekey, California: University of California Press, 1939. - 242 p.
LeRoy Johnson Jr.
The Devil’s Mouth site. Austin, Texas,1964.
115 p.,24 fig.,1 plan. (Department of Anthropology.Archaeology series,Ы 6).
MacNeish,Richard S.
Iroauois pottery types.A technique for the7study of Iroquois prehistory. Ottawa,1952.
711,166 p. with ill. (Canada.Department of resources and development. National parks branch.National museum о Canada.Bull.N 124.Anthropological ser.
N 31).
ÏJ Miche Is on, Truman.
Contributions to fox ethnology. Washington,Gov.print.off.,1950.
(Smithsonian institution.bureau of American ethnology.Bull.95)«
2.	VII.183 p.with ill.; 2 l.ill.
Bibliogr.: 4 p.
Notes on the Fox Wapanowiweni... Washington,Gov.print.off.,1932.
"195 P* (Smithsonian institution.Bur. of American ethnology.Bull.105)« Текст парал. на англ, и одном из индейских наречий.
Neitzel R.S.
Archeology of the Fatherland Site і the Grand Village of the Natchez.
New York,1965»
108 P.-.15 pl.
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia.
Report of the proceeding.•• 1880-84,1887.
0Ison,Ronald L.
Chumash prehistory.	Berkeley,1930.
21 p.with ill.;map. (University of California publications in Amer.archaeology and ethnology,Vol.28.S 1).