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Papers ой. the archaeology of Black Mesa, Arizona. Ed by G.J.Gu-merman a. R.C. Euler. - Carbondale-Edwardsville, Southern Illinois univ. perss, 1986.
XII, 186 p., ill. Bibliogr.: p. 183-180. Ind.: p. 181-186.
Report upon pile-structures in Naa-man’s Creek, Near Claymont»Delaware. Cambridge, П892.
24 p, (...Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. *1,N 3).
Приплетена К кн.: Nuttall,Z.The at-late or spear-thrower.
Ferre d*Amaré R.
El Antropogeno de Siberia y el Hombre Americano.Vol.VIII. Mexico,1965.
Vol.VIII. map.
Mexico,1965.	97 p.j

Fewkes,Jesse Walter.
Antiquities of the Mesa Verde Natio nal Park.Spruce-tree house.	Wa-
shington, 1909.
57 p.with ill.,21 pl.ill. (Smithsonian Institution.Bureau of American ethnology.Bulletin 41).
Fewkes, Jesse Walter.
Antiquities of the Mesa Verde Natio nal Park Cliff Palace. Washington, Government printing office, 1911.
82 p.incl.ill.,35 pl.ill,;plan. (Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American ethnology. Bull.51).
Fewkes,Jesse Walter.
Preliminary report on a Visit to the Navaho National Monument Arizona by Jesse Walter Fewkes. Washington, Government print office,1911.
VII,35 p.incl.ill.,22 pl.ill. (Smithsonian Institution.Bureau of American ethnology.Bull.50).
Food and Emergency food in the Circumpolar Area. /Ed. Kerstin E. - Uppsai 1969. - 173. S.
(Studia Ethnograph!ca Upsaliensia. XXXII).
рТГ) „ „ т • -i—J l?ord,J.A.
Hopewell culture Burial Mounds Near
Helena, Arkansas. New York,1963.
55 P.,12 pl.
Antiquities of Central and South-Eastern Missouri. Washington, Government print.office,1910.
116 p.incl ill.,15 pl.ill.,map. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American ethnology. Bull.37).
Report on explorations made in 1906-07 under the auspices of the Archaeological Institute of America.
Haury,Emil W. and Hargrave,Lyndon L.
Recently dated pueblo ruins in Arizona. Washington,Smithsonian institution,1931.
120 p.15 Hl. (Smithsonian mis cellaneous collections.Vol.82, N 11.)
Antiquities of the Jemez plateau, New Mexico. Washington,Government print.office,1906.
55 p.incl.ill.,16 pl.ill.,1 map. (Smithsonian institution.Bureau of American ethnology. Bull.32).
Review of the evidence relating to auriferous gravel man in California Washington,Gov.print.off.,1901.
/54/ p.with ill.j15 l.ill.
From the "Smithsonian report for 1899м, p.419-472.
Hood Bryan C.
Towards an Archaeology of the Nain Region, Labrador / Ed. By W.W. Fitzhugh. - Washington, D.C.: Arctic Studies Center. Nat. Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution, 2008. - 366 s., il.
П 11
ïndian village site and cemetry near Madisonville Ohio.	Cambridge,1920.
137 p. (•••Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology,Harvard University,vol.VIII,N 1).
Hough W.
An early West Virginia pottery. Washington,1901•
511-521 p.,18 pl. (Smithsonian Institution ЇГ.S .National Museum Washington, 1901).