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Bullard,William Botch*
- „ The Cerro Colorado Site and "'“Sb pithouse architecture in the South -a western United States prior to A.J)*9OO*
Cambridge, 1962*
XII,205 p*with ill.; 81*111.
4" (/Papers of the Peabody museum of archaeology and ethnology,Harvard university.
VO1.44.N 2/)*
Bibliogr* îp.193-197*

Bushnell, David I.
Evidence of Indian occupancy in Albemarle country Virginia Washington, smithsonian institution 1935.
24 p. incl.ill., 6 ill. (Smiths nian miscellaneous collections* Vol. 89. N 7).
Bushnell, David, I.
The five Monacan towns in Virginia, 1607» Waszington, Smithson. Instit. 1950
58 p. with 111.814 pl.ill. (Staithson. Miscellaneous Collections Vol. 82 N 12).
Bushnell, David I.
The Manahoac tribes in Virginia, 1608 Washington, The Smithsonian institution, 1955»
56 p, 11 Ill. (Staithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.94, N 8)
Claflin, William H.
The Stalling’s island mound Columbia country, Georgia Cambridge, Massachusetts 1931.
VII, 47 p*, 37 ill* (Papers of the peabody museum of american archaeology and ethlology, Harvard university Vol, 14. N I.
Pottery Types the Arizona Strip and Adjacent Areas in Utan and Nevada. Flagstaff»Arizona,1952.
98 p. (Museum of Northern Arizona. Ceramic Series N 1).
Pottery Types of the Southwest. Flagstaff»Arizona,1955.
87 p. (Museum of Northern Arizona Ceramic Series N 3).
Pottery Types of the Southwest. Flagstaff»Arizona,1956.
70 p. (Museum of Northern Arizona. Ceramic Series N 3C).
Colton,S. e.a.
Pottery Types of the Southwest. Flagstaff»Arizona,1958.
85 p. (Museum of Northern Arizona. Ceramic Series N 3D).
Contributions to the archaeology of Missouri.By the Archaeological section of the St.Louis Academy of science. Fart 1. Salem, Mass, 1880.
vide a. c.
Part 1. Pottery. 1880. 30 p.,29
C-C- Cook, S.F,and Heizer,R.F.
TLO Studies on the chemical analysis . of archaeological sites. Berkeley-Il ul Los Angeles,Univ,of California press, 1965.
•V /7/,102 p.with diagr. (University of California publ.in anthropology. Vol. 2/).
Bibliogr. : p. 98-102.
10 £
—1 • пЩ
Cosgrove, H.S. and C.B.
The Swarts Ruin. A typical Mimbres Site in Southwestern New Mexico, Report of the Mimbres Valley Expedition Seasons of 1924-1927. With an introduction by Alfred Vincent Kidder and a section of the skeletal material by William White Howells.	Cambridge,Massachusetts, Publis-
ched by the Museum, 1952.
Vide a.c
XXIII, 178 p. av.ill., 2J6 pl.ill., 3 maps (Papers of the Peabody Museum of American archaeology and. ethnology, Harvard University. Vol. XV - N I).
Lit. 6 p.
Greenleaf, J.Cameron.
Excavation at Punta de Agua in the Santa Cruz River Basin, Southeastern Arisona. - Ticson., Arisona, Univ, of Arisona press, 1975.
122 p., ill. (Anthropol. papers of the University of Arisona. N 26). Bibliogr.: p.1=1=7-119. Ind.:p.121-122.