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Who’s who in America. A biographies dictionary of notable living men and women. Vol. 30. (1958-1959). Chicago, 1958.
3388 p.
Vv~62€ Who’s who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living meh and women Vol. 31. (I96O-I96I). Chicago,I960.
3356 p.
Who’s who in America, A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women. Vol.32. (1962-1963). Chicago,1962.
3587 p.
W—628	Who’s who in America. With world,
notables. ,'A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women. A component volume of who’s who in americai history. Vol.35U968-"1969).	Chicago,
Marqui s-Who ’ s who ,1968. 2563 p.
Wire’s who in America. With world notables. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women. Vol. 36. 1970-1971$	Chicago,Ill.,1970.
XXXII ,£585 P.’
Who’s who in American art. /1966/ Ed. by D.B.Gilbert. N.Y. ,L. ,R.R.Bowker., Company, 1966.
600 p, /The American Federation of Arts/.
ft 24
Who’s who in American education. (First Vol.-Three Vol.Series). Ed. by R; C.Cook.2^d ed.'igsy-SS.	Hattiesburg,Miss.
962 p.
W-628 Who’s who in America 1 law. 2nd ed. Chicago,Illinois, Marquis Who’s Who,Inc. 1979.
xiv,1007 p.
2 24
W-628 Who's Who in American Law. 3rd edition. Chicago,Ill.,Marquis Who's Who,1983.
xvi,8t>3 p. Index:pp.781-863.
W-täß Who’s who in American politics.
A biographical directory of United Sta tes political leaders. Ed.1. 1967-1968 Ed. by P.A.Theis and E.L.Henshaw.
N.Y.&L.,R.R,Bowker Company,1967.
748 p.
Who’s who in American politics. 2d ed. 1969-1970. A biographical directory of United States political leaders. Ed. by Paul A.Theis, New York and London, R.R.Bowker Co.,1969*
XV,133/4 p. Index p.1285-1/34.
Who’s who in American politics.5d ed. w-odo 1971..1922.A biographical directory of Uni ted States political leaders.Ed.by Paul A.Theis. N.Y.and London,R.R.Bowker, 197*1 xxv,1171 P*
gjl-g (01)
W-628 Who’s who in American Politics.
Fourth edition 1973-1974. A biographical directory of United States political leaders. Ed. by P.A. Theis.
K.Y.-L., Xerox Education Companies, 1973.
xx, 1216 p. Geographical index pp. 1175-1216.
W-628	Who’s who in American politics.
5th ed.1975-1976.Ed. by J.Catell Press. N.Y.-L.,R.R.Bowker C°-Xfiro3 education C°,1975.
xxiv,1090 p. Geographic index :p.1029-1090.
W-628 Who’s who in American politics.
Sixth edition 1977-1978« Ed.by J.Cat-tell Press, N.Y.-L.,R.R.Bowker Company 1977«
xxiv, 1170 p. Geographic index :p.p. 1105-1170.
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