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B 0
W-552 Whaley,Barton.
Codeword "Barbarossa’'.-
Cam.,L. ,Mas.:the MIT press,1973.-X,376p.,111.,I6p.,bibliogr.:p.311-359. Glossery:p.361-364.-Index:365-376.
B 2, B 11, B 0
n 6 What about the Russians- and W 555 nuclear war? By Ground Zero. N.Y.
Pocket books,1983.
XIII,237 p.
II 6; B 11 ;B 37-64	5843
W 628 What ambitions for European defence in 2020? /Edit, by Alvaro de Vasconcelos. - Paris: Institute for Security Studies, 2009. - 170 p.
' 913
W 555
What is U.S.Company?; Hearing before the Subcomm.on science, research and technology and the Subcomm, on intern.scientific cooperation of the Comm.on science, space and technology. U.S.House of repr. 1O1st Congr., 1st sess.
- Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 118 p.
F913; B 37-095
’	What Nixon is doing to us.Ed.
an introd.by A.Gartner a.o, N.Y 1973.
xiv,258 p.!
., Harp ©3
What price economic growth.Ed..by K.Knorr and. W.J.Baumol. Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood. Press,Publishers 1977.
x, 174 p.
r 90
W-555 What should be the energy policy of the United States?.National debate topic for high schools 1978-1979.Pursuant to public law 88-246.Compiled by the congressional research service library of Congress. Wash.,GPO,1978.
IX,518 p. (95th congr.,2d sess.)
reo \ r^3rf r^/^/
B 37-601
W 555
What should be the future direction of the foreign policy of the United States? National debate topic for high schools 1979-1980. Pursuant to public law 88-246. Wash.,GP0,1979.
VII,709 p. (Congr.,96:Sess., 1,Docum.N 96-17)
B 37-601
r 926
W-553 What should be taxed: income or expenditure? Ed. J.A.Pechman. A report of a conference sponsored by the fund for public policy research and the Brookings Institution. Wash.,The Brookings Institution, I960.
332 p.	Index:pp.327-332.
T 942
W 555
What the Department of agriculture has done and needs to do to improve agricultural commodity forecasting and reports.Rep.to the Congress by the Comptroller general of the United States.(Aug.27,1975). Wash.,GPOt1975 54 p.	’	9
P942?r 94
3257 c
W-555 What would be the impact of raising or repealing the commercial arms sales ceiling? Wash;GPO,1980.
iii, 37 p. (Report to the comm, on foreign relations U.S.Senate by The Com-troller General of the U.S.).
B37-69; 980
G^.5 w-556
Wheat»Leonard ?.
Regional growth and industrial location. An empirical viewpoint. Lexin ton,Mass. »Lexington Books,'1975* xii,223 p. Index p.:219-223.
02 o
Wheeler L.
Jimmy who? An examination of presidential candidate Jimmy Carter the man, his career, his stands on the issues. By Leslie Wheeler. With a foreword by J.W.Davis. Woodbury,N.Y. , Barron’s,1976.
xiv, 306 p. Bibliogr.:pp.299-901; Index:pp.302-906.
•	Ib37-S'(
W 563 Wheeler. H.
Democracy in a revolutionary era: the political order today. - Santa Barbara: The center for the study of democratic institutions, 1970. - 216 p.
655 d
6376 c
B 11
W-567 Whelan, Joseph G.
The Soviet Union in the Third World, 1980-1982: An Imperial Burden or Political Asset? The Soviets in Asia, an Expanding Presence.-Wash., 1984.-162 p.- (CRS).
B 11