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B 37-6	"7
W-628 Whitworth,William
Naive questions about war and peace.Conversations with Eugene V.Rostow.-N.Y.:W.W.Norton,1970.-126p.
fl 25
W-628 Who is where in World Banking 1977-8. A guide to the overseas representation of the world’s major banks classified by Financial Centre.Editors: P. Thorn, J.Lack, M.Elstob. L. The Banker Research Unit, 1977 •
264 p.
2 25
VI-628 Who owns what in World Banking 1977-8. A guide to the subsidiary and affiliated interests of the world’s major banks. Editors: P.Thorn, J.Lack, M.Elstob. L., The Banker Research Unit,1977.
^2^; rw; r
5 25
W-628 Who owns whom: continental Europe. Vols.1-2.1978. L.,Dun 8c Bradstreet Limited,1978.
Vol. 1. xxii, pag.var.
Vol. 2. Index to subsidiaries and associates of companies.Listed in Vol. 1.	1618 p.
% 25
Who owns whom,North American Edi tion.A Directory of Canadian and Mexican parent,subsidiary and associate companies,and of U.S,parent companies with their subsidiaries and associate companies outside the United States of America.1975/76. L.»O.W.Roskill & C°,1975.
x,832 p.
A 25 ; r<aii^ozj;
Who sha11 live? Man«s control over W-b^b -bir-th and death.A report prep, for the American friends service committee. N.Y.,Hill and Wang, 1970.
xv,144 p.
W-628	Who was who in America. Historical
volume ZI6O7-'1S96. Rev. ed., "1967• A component volume of Who* s who in american history.	Chicago,Marquis Who's Who,
1967.	-
689 p.
Я 2-4
W-628	Who was who in America. With
world notables. Vol.1-4. 1897-1968. Chicago,Marquis Who’s who,1968.
Vol.I - 17166
5)24	Vol.II.- 17167.
W-628 Who’s who in America. 46th ed.
1990-91. Vols.I-II.- Wilmette,Illinois,
1990.	’
Vol. I. 1879 p.
Vol. II. pp. 1881-3852.
J 24
Vfho’c Who in America; 49th edition 1995. Vol.s 1-3. I'Te,y Providence, Ij.J. liarquic ./ho, 1994*
vol.1- 2114 p. vol.2- 2115-4397 p.
vol.3 indexes; pp.4399-4954.
5p. 1629
The whole and the parts: piecemeal and integrated approaches to Congressional budgeting:Report prep.for the Task Force on the Budget Process byAllen Schick./Comm on the budget.U.S. House of repres.-Wash.:GPO,1987»-vi, 65 p. -
F 926
W-629 Wholey Joseph S.
Zero-base budgeting and program evaluation. Lexington,Mass.,Toronto, Lexington Books, 1978.
xiii, 157 p. Index:pp.155-157.
u 30 W 628
Who*s first in defense-the U.S. or the U.S .S .R.? John Charles Daly, moderator.By Melvin R.Laird,Thomas' J.McIntyre a.o.	Wash.,Amer.enter-
prise inst.for publ.policy research 1976.
39 P* (AEI Round table).
pt 30;
I 926
W-628 Who’s not filing income tax returns? IRS needs better ways to find them and collect their taxes.
Wash.,Comptroller General of th U.S.,1979.
ix,114 p. (Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.).
Г9г6‘, Г
Who’s where.Tells business,- 10,000 nones jio’s. H.Y, ,Sa;a.
- 61- p.
who’s where in shoi addresses & phon©