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P-966	. Proposed legislation to estab-
lish a separate assistant secretary of defense for intelligence:Hea-ring before the investigations subcomm, of the Comm.on armed services House of repres.100th Congr.,2nd sess.-Wash.:GPO,1988.-65 p.
PI 37 P 965
Proposed IPX weapon system.
Tés.timony of David Gold and Christopher Paine before the Subcomm, on the Dep.of Defense Comm.on appropriât ions. House of repr.July 1,1980.
12 p,6. (Council of economic priorities.Opcas.paper)
PI 37;PI 31; B 37-611

P-965 Proposed, national energy plan.
Hearing before the subcomm,on oversight and. investigations of the comm, on interstate and foreign commerce. House of repres.95th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1977.
111,257 p.
r9£>;	rs/#/
rz/3/;	r332>S
B 57-64 The proposed Panama canal trea-
P 965 tics.A digest of information.Prep; for the Comm.on the judiciary,U,S. Senate,by'its Subcomm.on separation of powers.Febr.1978. Wash.,GPO, 1978.
536 p.	(U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,2).
B 37-64
B 57-64 Proposed. Panama canal treaties.
P 965 Hearings before the Comm.on intern, relations.House of reprJSept .8,14, 2O,26,38;0ct.2Q,11,1977. Wash., GP0,1978.
571 P» (U.S .Congr., 95 .Sess .,1 )
B 37-64
E311 P-965
Proposed procedures for a limi ted constitutional convention.1984 98th congr., 2d sess. Wash.-L., American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,1984.
40 p.
B37 P-965
Proposed reforms in the common agricultural policy of the European Economic Community. Hearing before the subcomm, on foreign agricultural policy of the comm.on agriculture, nutrition, and forestry U.S.Senate. 98th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO, 1984.
90 p.
B37-62; T983
K 323
P 965
Proposed revision in OMB circular A-21 regarding inderect cost allowances for academic research grants: Hearing before the Subcomm.on science research and technology of the Comm, on science and technology. House of repr.99th Congr., 2d st-ss.March 20, 1986.- Wash.: GPO, 1986. - 171 p.
K 323; K 32
E 38
P 965 Proposed RICO reform legislation Hearings before the comm.on the judiciary Unites States Senate. 1OOth Congr., 1st sess. - Wash.: GPO, 1989. - 424 p.
E 38; E 39
B 57-612 Proposed sale of AV/ACS to NATO.
P 965 Hearing before the Su.bcomm.on foreign assistance of the Comm.on foreign relations.Senate.March 12, 1976.	Wash.,GPO,1976.
54 p. (U.S .Congr•,94-«Sess., 2) •
B 57-612
B 37-64
P 965
Proposed sale of C-130's to Egypt.Hearings before the Subconn, on foreign assistance of the Comm, on foreign relations.U.S.Senate. March 31,and Apr.2.1976. Wash. GP0,1976.	*	.’
121 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2)
B 37-64£B 37-69 Ji'984.1j ïljÔîB 37-6?
T 9S2
P 965
Proposed sale to Egypt of 0-130 aircraft .Hearing and markup "before the Subcom.on intern.political and military affairs of the Com, on intern.relations.House of repr. Apr.5,12,1976. Wash.,GPO,1976.
75 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
T 982; B 37-64;B 37-62
P 934.1
Proposed sales to Jordan of the Hawk and Vulcan air defense systems. Hearings before the subcomm, on international political and military affairs of the comm, on international relations.House of repres.94th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1975.
IV, 134 p.
rm', rm
B 37-64 P-965
Proposed U.S.assistance and arms transfers to Pakistan: an assessment.Rep. of a staff study mission to Pakistan and India. Sept.30-0ct.17,1981 to the Comm, on.foreign affairs.U.S.House of repr.Nov.20,1981. Wash.,GP0, 1981.
54p.	/U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,1
B 37-64
B 37-69
Proposition 15: its impact on the nation’s' economy, federal revenues, and federal expenditures. Wash., GPO,1978.
x,58 p. (Background paper).
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