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r 984.13
P-962 Probable effects of tariff preferences for developing countries.Vols. 1-2.	Wash.,T.S.Tariff Commission,1972
Vol. 1.	vi. 182 p.
Vol. 2.	v, 359 p.
BO -
The problem of chemical and biolc gical warfare.A study of the historical, technical, military,legal and political aspects of CBW,and possible disarmament measures.Vol.III.CBW and the law of war. Stockholm.N.Y., L., Almqyist & Wiksell, Humanities Press, Paul Elek, 1973.
194 P» (SIPRI Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Index: p. 191-194.
ft 5 ]•(>('

B 0
P 962
The problem of chemical and biological warfare.A study of the 1. is tor leal, technical, military, legal and political aspects of CB’V.and possible disarmament measures.Vol.2.	Stickholm,Almquist
& V.iksell; a. o., 1973.
1 vol. (SIPRI).
ft o' e o \ n> Z7-6//
H 36.1
The problem of chemical and biological warfare:A study of the historical, technical,military, legal and political aspects of GBW,and possible disarm mament measures:Vol.III.CBW and the law of war.-Stockholm:Almqwist and Wiksell, 1973.-194 p.-Index:pp.191-194.-(SIPRI).
l/l 36.1
/436.1 .
The problem of chemical and biological warfare:A study of the historical, technical,military,legal and political aspects of CBW, and possible dis: disarmament measures:VolVI.Technical aspects of early warning and verification. -Stockholm:Almqwist and Wilsell International,1975»-308 p.-(SIPRI).
/4 36.1; M02
BO P-962
Probleme des Briedens, der Sicherheit und der Zusammenarbeit.Beitrage aus West- und Osteuropa.Herausgegeben von Stefan Doernberg, Joahn Gattung Anatoli Gromyko und Bieter Senghaas. Köln, Peter Millard & Co. KG, 1975.
555 S.
C9O-62 P-962
Problems associated with computer technology in federal programs and private Industry.Computer abuses. Wash.,G.P.O.,1976.
ix,448 p. (Committee print.94th congr.,2nd sess.).
£ r 90	H2/.^
P 962	Problems of common security/ Ed
by Shaposhnikov V.S. - Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1984. - 454 p.
174 d
P-962 Problems in political economy.An urban perspective.Ed. and with introd, by David M.Gordon. Lexington.,Mass. D.G.Heath and Co.,1971.
xvi, 478 p.
B 57-612
P 962
Problems in the standardization and .inter—-operability'of NATO military equipment.F.1-2.Hearing before a Subcpmm.of the Conn.on go-vernnent operations.U.S.House of rcpr. Wash.,GPO,1977-1978.
2 vol. (U.S.Copgross.
P.I.July 21,1977.	1977.	35 p
P.2.Nov.10,1977.	1978.	56 p.
B 57-612;PI 50;
Ft 27
n 2
Problems of modern strategy.With a foreword by A.Buchan. L.,Chatto & Windus,197O.
219 p. (Studies in international security: 14).
B 36-6 P-962
Problems of national strategy.
A book of readings.
/Ed.by henry A,Kissinger/.-N.Y.,a.o. Praeger,1966.-ix,447p.
B 36-6,B 36-612
II 0 p 962
Problens of sea power as we approach the twenty-first century Ed.by Janes L.George.A conference spons.by Auer.enterprise inst.for publ.policy.research. Wash.,AEI 1978.
564 p.
pi 0;M 531 ;B o B 57-601;B 57-605
r 913.2
P-962 Problems of small, high-technology firms. Wash.»National Science Foundation,1981.
v,34 p.
f913.2; K324
B 36 Problems of World War II and its
P 962 aftermath.P.1-2.	Wash.,GPO,1976.
2 vol. (U.S.Congr.Selected executive sess.hearings of the Comm.on internat.relations.Vol.1-2).
P.1.Postwar internat.organization relations with Italy. 1976. WJ p
P.2.The Palestine question problems of postwar Europe. 1976.	599 P*
B 36	ft P.1.-5^6;3525
ü	P.2.-3W