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B37 '
p-962 Problems of youth unemployment• Subcomm. on elementary»secondary, and vocational education.Subcomm.
on employment opportunities.Comm. on education and labor House of repres. Wash.,GPO,1980.
VII, 497 p. (96th congr.,2nd sess.).
rdo^o; raz?',
r 90
P-962 Problems with, the 1980 census count,Joint hearing before the commerce, consumer, and monetary affairs subcomm, of the comm, on government operations and the census and population subcomm, of the comm, on post office and civil service.House of repres. 96th congr.,2nd sess.	Wash.,GPO,
284 p.	r^O-S2^
B 37-8 Proceedings against Henry A.
P 96?	Kissinger.(Dec.8,1975).Mr.Pike
submit.the folowing rep.of the Select conn.on intelligence citing Henry A.Kissinger together with concurring and dissenting views.	Wash.,GPO,1975*
29 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,1
b 37-8;B 37-67	2929
P-96,3 Proceedings of the Academy of Poli tical Science.Vol. XXYIII.No.3.Jan., 1967. Modernizing state government; the N.Y. constitutional convention of 1967.	N.Y.,1967.
XII,214 p.
P-963 Proceedings of the Tri-committee business advisory panel on uranium enrichment.Joint meeting before the subcomm, on energy research and production of ... comm, on interior and insular affairs.U.S.House of repres. 98th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO, 1984.
xxvi, 249 p.
r90-69; T932.1
P-9&3 Proceedings of the 29th Pugwash Conference on science and world affairs. ’’Development and security”. Mexico City, Mexico,18-23 July 1979. Taylor & Francis-Ltd.»Rankine Road, Basingstoke,Hants,1979.
vii,253 p.
B 0
Proceedings of the forty-second Pugwash Conference on science and world affairs. Vol. I - Berlin, Germany 11-17 September, 1992. - Shaping our common future: Dangers and Opportunities. - Singapore: World
723 d.
Scientifi^L994. - 552 p.
Proceedings of the Forty-Second Pugwash. Conference on Science and World Affairs.Berlin,Germany, II-I7 Sept, 1992.
B 0
P 963
Proceedings of the forty-second Pugwash Conference on science and world affairs. Vol. II - Berlin, Germany 11-17 September, 1992. - Shaping our common future: Dangers and Opportunities. - Singapore: World Scientifi^J 994. - 1184 p.
722 cl.
ni r/3Z
Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. Kolymbnri, Crete, Greece, 30 June - 6 July 1994
B 37-61
P 978 Proceedings of the thirty-first pugwash conference on science and world affairs: “The search for peace in a world in crisis” I Banf, Alberta, Canada 28 august-2 September 1981. - 339 p.
P-963 Proceedings of the working group meeting on energy planning and program ming and of the committee on natural resources, fifth session. Energy resources development series.No.20. N.Y.,United Nations,1979.
vii,151 p. (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Ba ngko k,Tha ila nd).
P-963 Processes pf international negotiant ons./Ed.by F.Mautner-Markhof.-Boulder a.o.: Westview Press.1989.-x,541 p.
В 37-532.6
P 963 A Proclamation to the Government Officials of the United States of America and to the Government Officials of Canada. -FLDS Church., 2010. - 17. p.
73 5d	B22
Proctor, Roscoe
Black workers and. the class struggle. N.Y.,New Outlook Publ. 1972.
37 P.