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Hearings on military posture...
P.J.Book 1 .Research, and development .Behr.5,4,7,8,9,16,17, 22,23,24, 25,march 7,16,and 28,1977«	9&7 p.
— ’’-.Booh 2.Research and develop rent-----’’---”----”----.	968-1927
P.4.Seapower and strategic and critical materials...Fehr.3,4,7,8,9, 16,17,18,21,22,and 23,1977«	945 P«
Hearings on military posture.
P.3 .Military personnel-Title
3, active forces-Title 4,reserve forces;Title 5.\ .Peer.2,7,8,9,16, 17,22,23» end March 1c, 1977.
1196 p.
P.6.Civil defense-Title 7*Febr 7,8,and 9,1977.	264 p.
Hearings on military posture and H.R.10929»Dcp.of defense authorization for appropriations for fiscal year 1979 before the Comm.on armed services.U.S.House of repr.P.1-7. Wash.,GPO,1970.
8 vol. (U.S.Congress).
Hearings on military posture and H.R.10929...
P.1.Military posture and H.R. 10929.	1978.	1388 p.
P.2.Procurement of aircraft,...
1978.	774 P.
P.3.B.1.Research and development• Title 2.	1978.	1130 p.
P.3.B.2.---" " " .	1978.
1131-2313 p.
^1 -4204; 2-4205 ; 3/1 -
■4206; 3/2-4207
Hearings on military posture and H.R. 10929...
P.4.Seapower and strategic and critical materials subcoam. 1978.	1301 p.
P.5«Military personnel...	1978.
1741 p;
P.6.Civil defense-Title 7.	1978.
181 p.
P.7.Review of U.S.strategic forces.
1978.	205 p.
M 3 H 435
Hearings on military posture and H.R.1872/H.R.4O4O/.Dep.of defense authorization for appropr.for F.Y.198' and H.R.2575 /3.429/.Dep.of defense suppl.authorization for appropr.for F.Y.1979 before the Comm.on armed services House of repr.P.1-5. Wash. ,GP' 1979.
5 vol. (U.3.Congress,96,sess.,1)
M 3
Hearings on military posture and. H.R. 1872...
P. 1.-Military posture	1979.	1412 p.
P.2.Military procurement... 1979. 954 p. .
P.J.Book 1.Research and. development...
1979 .	1681 p.
Book 2 -”- -"-	1979.	7^1-
-3Z51 p.	: •
1-4805; 2-4806
3.1.	-4804
3.2.	-4802
Hearings on military posture and H.R. 1872...
P.4.Seapower and strategic and critical materials subcomm. 1979.	963 p.
P.5.*Military personnel... 1979. 1377 p.
4-	4803
5-	4807
K 3	Hearings on military posture and
H435 H.R.6495.Hep.of defense authorization for appropriations for F.Y. 1981 before the Comm.on armed services.House of repr.P.2-4 ■Wash. ,GP0,1980.
3 vol
Congr.,96,sess., 2)
c. c. k
Hearings on military posture and H.R.6495.Bep.of defense...for I'.Y. 1981...
P.2.Procurement.Febr.19,20,21,26, 28,March 4,5,and 6,1980.	880 p.
P.3.Seapower and strategic and critical materials subcomm.Febr.7,19,20, 21,27,28,March 4,and 5,1980.	518 p.
r	C . C . K .	
' c -3- Hearings on military posture and II.R.6495•Dep.of defensc...for F.Y. 1981 ... P.4.Book 1.Research and development. Title II.Febr.7,12,13,19,20,21, 26,27,28,March 3,4,5,6,and 11,1980. 1390 p. • P.4.-5085	
Hearings on national defense authorization act for fiscal year 1990-H.R. 2461 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the comm.on armed services.House of repres.101st Congr., 1st sess.Readiness subcomm.hearings on Title III - Operation and maintenance.-Wash.:GPO,1989
T,1682 p.
IE435 Hearings on national ^•fe?qqQ-HtR° rization act for fiscal year 1990-H.R. 2461 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the comm.on armed services.House of repres.101st Congr 1st sess.Military installations and la cilities subcomm. hearings on Military constructionCH.R. 2311).-^sh. :GPO,1-^ . -CXV,798 p-	K31
KE 31
. Hearings on national defense autho rization act for fiscal year 1990-H.R. 2461 and oversight of previously autho rized programs before the comm.on armed services.House of repres.101st oongr.jlst sess.Research and development subcomm, hearings on Research development ,test,and evaluation.-Wash.•
0,1	9.-VI
p.	W
Hearings on National Defense Authorization act for fiscal year 1989--H.R. 4264 and oversight of previously authorized programs department of energy national security programs before the procurement and military nuclear systems subcomm, of the Comm.on armed services.House of repres.100th Congr. ,2nd sess.-Y/ash. :GP0,1988.-IV, 6?6 p.