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5Œ 31 Hearing on fiscal year 1977 '
H 435 military construction authorize-"bill before the Subcomn.on milit.installations and facilities .. .Coeldi. on armed services. House of repr.July 26,27,1976. Wash.,GPO,1976.
63 p. (U.S.0ongr.,94.Sess.,2).
M 31
Hearing on H.R. 3107 to amend title 10, United States code, to strengthen the prohibition on the construction of naval vessels, or major components of naval vessels, overseas.Before the seapower and strategic and critical materials subcomm.of the comm, on armed services.House of repres. 98th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO, 1983.
41 p.
E35; H33
40 H-435
Hearing on H.R. 33 to transfer management of the national defense stockpile to the Secretary of defense before the seapower and strategic and critical materials subcomm. of the comm.on armed services House of repres. 98th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1984»
VI, 127 p.
Vl 40; /02
Hearing on H.R. 2504 to withdraw certain public lands in eddy county, Hew Mexico before the procurement and military nuclear systems subcomm.of the Comm.on armed services House of repres.100th Congr.,2nd sess Wash.:GPO,1989.-138 p.
M31 H-435
Hearing on national defense authorization act fiscal year 1990-H.R.2461 ano oversight of previously authorized programs before the comm.on armed services.House of repres.101st Congr., 1st sess.Military installations and facilities subcomm.hearing on Civil de-fenae,-Wash. igffi, 1969.-68 p.
H 31
H 435
Hearings on national defense authorization act for fiscal year 1991.
- H.R. 4739 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Comm.on armed services.House of repr. 101st Congr., 2nd sess. / Department of energy defense nuclear faculties panel hearings on Department of energy modernization study and Department of energy defense programs.-Wash.:GPO, 1990.	- iv, 799 p.
W H 31; H 32
H 31
H 435
Hearings of national defense author! zation act for fiscal year1991-H.R.4739 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Comm.on armed servi' ces.House of repr.101st Congr.,2nd sess. Reaserch and development subcomm.hearing on Reaserch,development, test and eva-lution.-Wash.:GPO,1990. -iv, 500p
H31; /441; M 42
II 95
H 495
Hearing on the enforcer aircraft before the Research, and development subcom.of the Com. on armed services .U.S .House of repr.June 22,1978» Wash.,GPO,1978.
159 p. (U.S.Congr.,95»Sess., .2)»
II 99; Il 96
K38 H-435
Hearing on the privatization of the national technical information service, and H.R. 812, the National Quality Improvement Award Act of 1987*Hearing before the subcomm, on science, research and technology of the comm.on science, space, and technology.House of repres./100th Congr.,1st sess.-Wash.:GPO,1987.-413 p.
r 918.1
H-435 Hearing report on economic and regional development programs under the jurisdiction of the subcommittee on economic development of the comm, on public works and transportation U.S. House of repres. Based on overview and assessment hearings held by the subcomm, March 11, 12, and 13, 1981.	Wash.,GPO,1981.
20 p.	(97th congr.,lst
FT 33
H 435
Hearings on fleet readiness before the Subcorm.on seapower and strategic and critical materials of the Comm.on armed services.House of repr.Jan.19,20,21,22,23,1976. Wash.,GPO,1976.
219 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
K 33
H-435 Hearings on H.R. 2545 defense procurement reform act of 1983 before the investigations subcomm, of the comm, on armed services House of rep-res.98th congr.,1st sess. Wash., GPO,1984.
xxv,239 P*
H32; F914; f918.1
ZE 30
H 435
Hearings on H.3.11030 department of energy authorization legislation (national security programs) for fiscal year 1979»also Full com.consideration of H.3.11686 "before the
Intelligence and military application of nuclear energy subcomn.of the Corm.on £j.rmed services .U.S .House
of repr.Febr.15,22,24;March 1;Apr.
19,26,1978.	Wash.,GPO,1978.
If 30;Kl 32;^	QjL»S .Congr. ,95’Sess ., 2)
37 926 b; V	4277
r90-68;H 31;K 323
Hearings on H.R. 12047, H.R.14925 H.R. 16175, H.R.17140,and H.R.17194 -Bills to make punishable assistance ti enemies of U.S. in time of undeclared war.Part 1. Investigative hearings before the Comm.on un-american activities. 89 congr.,2d sess. Wash., GP0,1966.
p. i. vi, pp.911-1254. - XIV p index.
H-435 Hearings on H.R. 12047, H.R.14925, H.R. 16175, H.R. 17140, and H.R.17194-Bills to make punishable assistance to enemies of U.S. in time of undeclared war.Part 2. Legislative heraings before the comm.on un-american activities. ... 89 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO, 1966.
P. 2. VI, pp.1255-1397.