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PI 32
H 435
Hearings on H.R.6566 ERDA authorization legislation for RY 1978 before the intelligence and military application ' of nuclear energy•Subcomm.of the Comm.on armed services.House of repr. Febr.28,March 1,Apr.25,26,27,1977. Wash.,GPO,1977.
616 p. (U.S.Congr.,95»Sess.,1) .
M 57
H 455
. Hearings on H.R.8590 suppl. autho-nz.for appropr.for FY 1978 ’and
review of the state of U.S.strategic forces also reprograming action o25;FYn??“£ P/A’FY 78“3 P/A,and /0-4 P/A.Com.on armed services. • H*n*KU2° Of Wr.July 21,27;Sept. 8,9,12,14,15;Uov.29,1977. Wash., GPO.1977.	’
471 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,1).
P9S2 H 4>3
Hearings on H.R.1287 to amend the United. Nations participation act of' 1945 to halt the importation of Rhodesian chrome "before the Suhcomm.on seàpov.’cr and strut.and critical materials of the Corm.on armed .services .U.S .House of repr.July 21,22, 1975. Wash., GW, 1975.
274 p. (U.S.Congr.,9^»Sess., 1).	-
T* 982;F 9S1 ;
Il 455
Hearings onH.R.5210 to authorize certain constr.at nilit.installation: and for other'purposes before Subcoin, on nilit.installations and fa-
cilities of the Com. on arned services .U.S .House of repr.Hay 7,6,9, 12,13,14,15,19,1975« Wash.,GW,
650 p.
(U.S.Con.gr.,94.Sess. ,1)
IÆ 31 ;M r 926.5
M 32 H 435
Hearings on H.R.11167 to authorize cert.construction at nilit.install., and for other purp.before Military install.and facilities subcomn.of the Com.on arcied services .U.S .House of reph.Febr.27;March 1,2,3,6,Apr.14, 1978.	V,’ash.,GPO, 1978.	•	■'
764 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,2).
PI 32; PE 31 5^926.5;
P 915.1
Hearings on H.R.2657,to amend title 10,...
’ \ .
The posture .of the U.S .military airlift...
II 32
H 435
Hearings on H.R.5692 to authorise certain construct.at milit.installation-and for other purposes before Milit. installations and facilities Subconm.of the Comm.on armed services.House of rep: Febr.24,25, Apr.19. . . ,1977- Uash.,GFC. 1977.
547 p. (U.S .Congr., 95 <Sc-s., 1 ) .
II 32	31
H-435 Hearings on higher education civil rights enforcement.Joint hearings before the subcomm, on postsecondary education of the comm, on education and labor and the subcomm, on civil and constitutional rights of the comm, on the judiciary House of repres.98th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1984. vi,438 p.
K33; E312
Hearings on military posture and H. R.3818 and H.R. 8687... before the cornu on armed services... 92 congr.,1st sess. Parts 1-2. Wash.,GPO,1971.
Parts 1-2. pp.2317-4777.
Hearings on military posture and H.R 12604 to authorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1975 for procurement of aircraft, missiles... before the comm, on armed services... 92 congr.,2d sess. Parts 1-5.	Wash.,GPO,1972.
P.1-2.	pp.91-77-10795.
P. 5. - Hearings by subcomm. No.l-No. 5. pp.10795-12098 - xxxi p. index
H-435 Hearings on military posture... before the comm.on armed, services, House of repr.,94th congr.,lst sess. Pts.1-4.	’ Wash.,GPO,1975.
P.l. 19O8,xii-XI p. Index:pp I-XI.
P.	2.	pp.1909-5002, IX.
P.	5«	pp. 3003-3733»ii.
P.	4.	pp.3735-5324,vii.
I7E 5 Hearings on military posture and H 435 H.R.115OO (H.R.12438).Dep.of defense authorisation for appropr.for FY 1977 before the Corm.on armed services. House of repr.P.1-5. Wash.,GPO,1976.
5 vol. (U.S.Congress).
P.1.Military posture. 1976. 1663 p•
PI 5	P.2.Procurement	of	aircraft,...
1976.	770	p.^	7	*
.J-- t )	4-, Jc.
™	C.'S.A,
Hearings on military posture and H.R.11500...
P.3.Military personnel. 1976. 1148 pi
P.4.Subcomm.on seapower and...
1976.	660 p.
P.5.Research and development subcomm.-title II.	1976.	1424 p.
_	3-3253;4-3254;
•	5-3255
5*1 Hearings on military posture- and -H 435 H.R’.5068. Department of defense authorization for appropriations for 5Y 1978 before the Conn.on armed services .House of repr. . . Wash.. GPO,1977.
n vol. (U.S.Congress)•
Hearings on military posture...
F.i .Military posture.and. H.R. 5068.Febr .1,March 2,3,4,7,8,and.
Apr.5,1977•	1315 P*
F.2.Procurement of aircraft, missiles,tracked, combat vehicles,... Febr.3,7,8,9,18,25,March 17,21,22,23, and. 24,1977«	804 p.