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^__eq United States security agreements and commitments abroad.Broader aspects of U.S commitments.Hearing before the subcomm.on United States security...of the comm, on foreign relations...91 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,197i.
65 P.
в 37-64 .. —..--	-----....
U 58 ... -United State« Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad.Ethiopia.Hearing ...Suboom. on US Security Agreement« and Commitments Abroad of the Comm, on foreign Relations,U.S.Senate.9^st Congr 2d sess. P.8. ' Wash.,GPO,1970* 111,1861-1958 pl
11-58 United Stdfes security agreements and. commitments abroad. Greece And Turkey. Hearings before’ the subcomm'.' on United States’security... 91 coh.gr., 2d sess. part 7.’ Wash.,GPO,1970« III,1769-1880 p.
R 37— 6-^
" r/t-o United States security agreements an< commitments abroad.Hearings before the subcomm, on United States security agreements and commitments abroad of the comm:< on foreign relations...91 congr.Vol.1-2. Wash. ,GPO,197'1.
Vol.1-2.	x,2442 p.
b 57-64	...... X ,
U 58 — - United.States Security Agreements and Committments Abroad^Hearings-before ’ the- Subcomm• on United States Security Agreements. and Commitments Abroad.of the Comm» on foreign Relations,U.S»Senate, ^Ist‘Congr.Vol.1Pts.1-4. - Wash.,GFOf
Xf1146 p. Indexip.1145-1146•
• b 37-64.-	........................  .
U 58	- United States Security Agreements
and Commitments Abroad.Hearings before the Subcomm. on ttaited States Security Agreements and Commitments.Abroad of tl Count'* on Foreign delations,U.S.Senate* 91st Congr.Vol.il,Pts.5-11* Wash.tGH *11,1147-2442 p.
в 37-64
U 58 United.states Security Agreements' and Commitments Abroad.Japanand Okina-wa^ßearinga • • .Süboom. on U.3 «Security Agreements and ^onmitaients Abroad of;th Can* on foreign Eolation, U.S .Senate, j 91st Congr*,2a seas*?»5* Wash.,GPO,>B 1970. •	’ \
17,1147-1525 P.
- united states security agreements and GOBHAiteeats abroad* Kingdom of-Laos* Hearings before the subcoma. on United Statei
■■	‘ congf*j »st seas* lart 2*.
B 37""64	~	■■ -1-r^ •
U 58 ...-United States security Agreements and Gomxaitinents Abroad.Horocoe and Ljtb£a Hearings • • .Subcom. on US Security Agreements, and Commitments Abroad of-the Goma on foreign RelationatU.SSenate•91st Ctongr«|2u sosb*P*9«	Wash.»GFO,!9/0»
Vt*i9»2£H* P*
В 57-64
U 58	>-•. united States security. Agreements
and Commitments Abroad.Repub.lie of Chi aa-wHearinga • • .Subcom. on U.S .Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad of -t Соие. on Foreign Relations «U.S .Senate. ^Ist Congr.,2d sess.P.4. fWush.,GFOt
*V,919-1146 p.
M"*58 United States security agreements-; commitments abroad. Republic of Korea. Hearings before'the subcomm.'on United States'security... 91 confer., 2d sess. Part 6. Uash. ,GPO,ZI970.
IV,1519-1768 p.
В 57*6А-*	.-г— ♦---
U 58 .-•-. United State« Security Agreement« and Commitments Abro ad*Spain and -Porti gal .Hearing« •♦•Subcoa. on US Security Agreement« and Commitments Abroad-ox the-Com. on Foreign Eolations ,U.*>. ena1 91 st 0ongr«.2d «еб««РЛ1» Wash»,GPO| 1970.
III,25O>2411 p.
В 37-64
U 38 V. - united States Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad.United States ft roes in Europe .Hearing ... Subcom. on UJ Security Agreements and Commitments Aba ad of the Com. on foreign Kelations,US Senate.91st Congr.,2d seas.P.10.	Was!
GP0,19T0.	'
17,2015-2301 Р»
B 37-603 U 58
U.S.security assistance and arms transfer policies for the
1980’s.Staff rep.to the Comm.on foreign affairs.U.S.House of repr.March 1980.
18 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,
B 37-603;B 37-69;
B 37-64
B 37-64 U 58
U.S.security interests and. poli« cies in Southeast Asia.Hearings before the Comm.on foreign relations.U.S.Senate and. its Subcomm, on Hear Eastern and South Asian affairs. Febr.6,7, 20,27;March 4,18,198 1980. Wash.,GPO,1980.
368 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
B 37-64;B 37-67