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B 37-64
B 37-64
U.S,-Soviet relations: nev? promise or peril.Rep.of a staff studie mission to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom submit to the Comm.on foreign affairs. H. of repr.June 1985* Wash ,GPO 1985.
18p /US Congr. /

B 37-64
U 58
United Satos-Soviet relations, 1978.Hearings before the Subcowi.on Europe and the Middle East of the Corm.on'intern.relations.U.S.House of repr.Aug.9,Sept.19,26,1973. Wash.,GPO,1978. :
207 p.	(U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,2).
B 37-64
U-58 United States-Soviet relations: 1988.(Vols.I-II).Hearings before the subcomm.on Europe and the Middle East of the comm.on foreign affairs.House of repres.100th Congr.,2nd sess.-Wash.: GP0,1988.-
Vol.I. vii,601 p.
Vol.II.	vii, 563 p.
B 37-64
U 58
United States-Soviet relations: 1990. Hearings before the Subcomm, on arms control, intern.security and science, and on Europe and Middle East of the Comm.on foreign affairs. House of repr. 101st Congr., 2nd sess. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 226 p.
B 37-64; B 37-65
B 37-64
U 58	United States-Soviet relations:
1990: Hearingbefore the Subcomm. on arms control1', intern, security and science, and on Europe and the Middle East of the Comm, on Foreign affairs. House of repr. 101st Congr.,2nd sess. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 226 p.
B 37-64; B 11
7271 c
U-58 U.S. - Soviet Relations: Perspectives for the Future / By S.Bialer, Lee Hamilton, Jerry Hough, John Steinbruner.-Wash.: Center for National Policy, 1984.-55 p.
B37-64; B37-611.3
B 37-64
U 58
U.S.-Soviet relations: a strategy for the 80’s. Rep.of the National policy panel on U.S.-Soviet relations. N.Y.,United Nations Ass.of the USA.,1981.
89 p.'
B 37-64
PI 02
U-58 U.S.-Soviet security cooperation: Achievement s,failure s,le s s ons./Ed.by A.L.George,P.J.Farley,A.Dallin.-N.Y.: Oxford University Press,1988.-xi,746 p. -Index:pp.7 35-746.
B 57-64 U 58
United States/Soviet strategie options .Hearings before the Comm', on foreign relations and the Subcomm.on arms control,oceans and internat•environment of the Comm. on foreign relations.Senate.Jan.14j 19»March 16,1977«	Wash.,GPO,1977 «
187 p« (U.S.Congr.,95«Sess.,1)
B 37-64;
B 37-64
U 5S
United States-Soviet Union-China: the great power triangle.Hearings before the Subcomm, on future foreign policy research and development of the Comm.on intern.relations.House of repr.P.1-2. Wash.,GPO,1976.
2 vol.	(U.S.Congress J.
P.1.Oct.21;Nov.5,19;Dec.l5,i975; and March 10,1976.	1976.	149 P-
I	• -'-3027
United. States-Soviet Union-China:the great.power triangle.Hearings..•
P.2.March 2$;Apr.6;May 27,and June 25 1976.	1976.	p.
B 37-64 United States-Soviet Union-Chinaî U 58 the great power triangle.Summary of hearings conduct ."by the Subcomm, on future foreign policy research and development of the Comm.on internat, relations.Oct.-Dec.1975»March-June 1976.(Aug.1.1977).	Wash.,GPO,1977.
52 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess’>'1)*
B 37-64;B 11 ;B0	3692
________________ o__________________________
1~915 U—58
U.S,Stake in world, trad.« and. invsfet-mont.Tho role of the multinational corporation. N.Y. »National Assoc.of Manufactures, 1972.
Ti,86 p.!
E 30(02) United States statutes at large: containing U 58 the laws a. concurrent resolutions enacted during the 2nd sess. of the Ninety- third congress of the United States of America. 1974 a. proclamations.-Washington, US, 1976.
Vol. 88: in 2, pt, pt.l: Public laws 93- 246 through 93 - 446. -1362 p. Ind. p. cl - 99.
U-58 United States Statutes at Large.Containing the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during the second session of the 93rd congr.pf the U.S.of America. 1974 and proclamations.Vol.88. In two parts. Part I Public laws 95-246 through 93-446. Wash GP0.1976.
Vol.88. Part 1.	xliv,1362 p.
Subject indexjpp. C1-C99; Individual index ;D1-D2.
E 30(02.)) /33?-S3/02)