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\ 984.1 U-58
U.S.Foreign agricultural trade policy Hearings before the subcomm.on foreign a© ricultural policy of the comm, on agriculti re and fore stry •. • 93 c ongr .,1st s e s s• Marc] 23;April 4,5,16,and 50,1973. Wash. ,(20, 1973.
iv,65O p.
-) U.S,Foreign agricultural trade sta-tistical report,Calendar year 1975.A sup] lemant to th« monthly Foreign Agriculture Trade of the United States. Wash,,GPO, 1974.
ix,272 p.
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U-58	U.S.Foreign agricultural trade
statistical report, calendar year 1974. Wash., U.S.Department of Agriculture, 1975.
xvii, 508 p.
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r 984.1(02)
U-58 U.S.foreign agricultural trade statistical report»calendar year 1975»A suppl.to the monthly foreign agricultural trade of the United Sta te®. Wash.»G.P.O.,1976. xxvi,335 p.
F90-S7; #25'
f984.1(02) U-58 U.S.Foreign agricultural trade statistical report,calendar year 1976. Wash.,GPO,1977.
xxviii, ^38 p. (A supplement to the monthly Foreign agricultural trade of the U.S.).
U-58 U.S.Foreign agricultural trade statistical report, calendar year 1977. Wash.,GPO,1978.
xi, 3>44 p. (A supplement to the monthly foreign agricultural trade of the U.S.)
U-58 U.S.Foreign agricultural trade statistical report, calendar year 1978. A supplement to the monthly foreign agricultural trade of the U.S. Wash.,U.S.Department of Agriculture,1979« xxxi, 917 p.
U-58	U.S.Foreign agricultural trade
statistical report,calendar year 1979.A supplement to the monthly foreign agricultural trade of the U.S. Wash.,GPO,1980. xxxii,270 p.
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U.S.Foreign agricultural trade statistical report, Calendar year 1981.A supplement to foreign agricultural trade of the U.S. Uash.., U.S.Department of Agriculture,1982. xxvi,277 p.
U.S.Foreign Agricultural Trade statistical report,calendar year 1983. A supplement to foreign agricultural trade of the United States. Wash., GPO,1984.
viii,152 p.
1~984; C94; T9O-52
1 98^(0^-) U.S.Foreign agricultural trade statis u“-?° tical report,Fiscal year '1975.A suppiemen to the monthly”For®ign agricultural trade of the U.S.”	Wash.,GPO,1973.
ix,257 P.
? cl ) U.S.lereiga agricultural traie st» u"'?* tistical repart,fiscal Tear 1$?4,A sup-pleaieMt ta the aeathly ’’Tereiga Agricjtl tarai traie af the Uaitei States”# Wash,,U,S.Departaeat af Agriculture,
U->8	U.S.Foreign agricultural trade
statistical report, fiscal year 1973 sh.,U.S.Department of Agriculture, xxvi, 338 p.
F 9 v? V. O reo-^; r^O
U-58 U.S. Foreign agricultural trade statistical report, fiscal year 1976 Wash., U.S.Department of Agriculture 1976.
xxvii, 330 p. (A supplement to the monthly).
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U-58	U.S.Foreign agricultural trade
statistical report,Fiscal Year 1977. A supplement to the monthly foreing agricultural trade of the U.S. Wash.,GPO,1978.
xxvi, 351 p.
rg 8Li-0(02.)