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Г 982 U-58
U.3.foreign policy and the Third world:Agende 1985-86 Ed.by J.W. Sewell, q. b. New Brunswick,Oxford,transaction
198х',238р. .map /U.S.-Third world policy perspectives r.o. 3/
Г 982
В 37-62
U-58 U.S.Foreign policy and the USSR, China, and India:Economic reform in three giants/R.E.Feinberg a.o.-New Brunswick;Oxford:Transaction Books,1990.-viii,247 p.-
B37-62; Г981.1;
Г981; Г982
'	United States foreign policy for the
1970»s. A comparison of the President's 1970 and 1971 foreign policy reports to Congress. July 26,197'1* Wash. ,GPO>197'1* v,32 p. (92 congr., 1st sess.)
® (7-6 U.S.Foreign, policy for the 1970* s.A comparative analysis of the President’s 1972 foreign policy report to Congress. Prep, for the comm, on foreign affariesby the Foreign affairs division...May 19>^972 Wasfe., G©91972.
xi,96 p. (92 congr.,2d sess)
U.S.Foreign policy for the 197O*s.An u~-^analysis of the President’s 1973 foreign policy.Repprt and congressional action. Prep.for the conn.on foreign affairs by the Foreign affairs division.October 7» 1973. Wash.,GPO,1973.
xiv,138 p. (93 congr.,1st sess)
2003 c
B37-7 U-58
United. States Foreign Policy for the 1970’s. The Emerging Structure of Peace. A Report by President Richard Nixon to the Congress, Febr. 1972.-Wash.: GPO, 1972.-236 p.
В 37-6
U 58	United States foreign policy for the
1970’s. The emerging structure of peace: A report by President Richard Nixon to the Congress. February, 1972. -b.m., b.r. - 119 p. - Репринт.
I. United States foreign policy for the 1970’s.
284 d ,285 d
В 37-6
в и
United States foreign Policy for
the ‘
Ai^l’tiire • UMUESC WJ. W3jbWL-V»<M»WMW*»'»«f
0engr«t2d веяв.on a Message fron
eiœnt of the United States’’United utate
Foreign :	w
tegy for Peace”«
119 p*
1970’s .Hearings. ..Coaea. еа foreign dre.Hous© û£ Bepr©sent^tiveôt9l0t r..2d sees.on a Мевваяе fro® the Pre
-r*	__—— -____________ J
>ign Policy for the 197O*e~ASèw Strc »авЫ,ак>И97О.
United States Foreign‘Policy for the 1970’s.Hearings...Comm. on Foreign Affairs and its subcomm.,House of Represe ntatives on a message from the President of the U.S. ’’United States Foreign Policy for the 1970’s— a Hew Strategy for Peace”,91st Congr.,2d sess.Fehr.-Dec.1970 Vis.1,2.	Wash.,GP0,1971.
See next card.
B 57-6
U 58	United States Foreign Policy for
the '1970*s.Hearings. • •	Wash., 1971«
Vol.1.Includes full committee hearings and subcommittee gearings on the 25th anniversary of the United Nations; policy tovzard Africa, implication of satellite communications,and military assistance training. Pag.var.
See next card
B 37-6	-3-
U 3S United.-States Foreign Policy for the 197O*s.Hearings...	Wash.,1971.
Vol.2.Includes subcommittee hearings on the Inter-American Development Bank,Cuba and the Caribbean,the Near East conflict,and the United States-China relations. Pag.var.
®	U.S.Foreign policy for the -1970* s.
b~-?o Shaping a durable peace.A report to^the
Congress by Richard Nixon.»President of th United States.May 3>1973* Wash.,GPO,197 vii,2J4 pg
B 37-6
U-58 U.S.foreing policy for the 1980s.
A report by president Richard Nixon to the Congress,February 25,1971.-N.Y.,a.o.:Harper & Row,1971.-xiii,193p.
B 37-64
U-58 U.S.foreing policy in Asia.An Appraisal of America’s role in Asia.-Santa Barbara,a.o.:ABC-Clio,Inc.,1978.-vii,488p•-Index:pp.485-488
B 37-64,B 37-601, B 37-603,B 2,B 1
'	U.S.Foreign policy in a changing
u~-? world.A chronology of events in the foreign affairs field during 1971 • Prep.for the comm, on foreign affairs by the foreign affairs div.March 9»z1972. Wash., GPO,1972.
vii,1O7 p. (92 congr.,2d sess.)