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264 c
S-438 Seabury, Paul
The Rise & Decline of the Cold War.--N.Y.-L.: Basic Books, 1967.-171 p.--Indexjp. 163-171.
B36-6; B36-64
B 37-603
S 438
Sea-changes: American foreign policy in world transformed /Ed. by Hicholas X.Rizopoulos. - N.Y.,L.: Council on foreign relations press, 1990. - 294 p.
B 37-603; B 37-605;
B 37-64
A 3S
5-438 Seale Bobby
Seize the time. The story of the Black Panther party and Huey P.Newton N.Y.»Random House,1970.
xi, 429 p.
Л 22
S-4_59 The search for identity.Ed.by James Foley. Toronto, Macmillan of Canada,1976.
122 p. Bibliogr.:pp.120-122). (Themes in Canadian Literature.
General Editor David Arnason).
В 37-64
S 439 Search for Peace in the Middle East.
- Greenwich: A Fawcett premier book, 1970.- 126 p.
540d;/'J7^ J
S-444 SEC authority over third market trading.Hearings before the subcomm. on securities of the comm.on banking,housing and urban affairs... 93 congr.,2d sees, on S. 3126. Wash.,GPO,1974.
180 p.
S-445	second launch, site for the shut-
tle.? An analysis of needs for the na-
tion’s space program. Wash.>Comptroller General of the U.S., 1978.
V,75 p. (By the Comptroller General of the U.S.Report to the Congress) .
; I'M '
1500 c
S-445 Second Review of Phasedown of United States Military Activities in Vietnam.--Wash.: GPO, 1971.-40 p.-(U$S. Comptroller General)
S 446
Secrecy and foreign-policy .Ed. bv Thomas It.Franck and Edward i.eis-
Land.	a.o..OUP,1974-.
XVII.433 p.	(Center for intern,
studies;. Index p .443-453•
A3S 537-5 5

oocret Cuban iJissile Crisis
Documents/Central Intelligence
Agency, USA, 1994
S-446 The Secretary of Defense
Report of the Secretary of Defense Frank C»Carlucci to the Congress on the amended FY 1988/ FY 1989 biennial Budget Febr. 18, 1988.This report reflects the amended FY 1988/ FY 1989 biennial budget as of Febr. 11, 1988. Wash., GP0,1988.
325 p.
U 30; VI 31
I 982
Section-by-section analysis of the purposed foreign assistance act. H.R.7484.May 9,1973. Wash.,GPO, 1973.
vi, 13 p. (93 congr.,lst sess.
I 982
Section-by-s©ction analysis of the proposed foreign military sales and assistance act. S.1443*Prep.for the use of the comm, on foreign relations U.S.Senate.April 24, 1973. Wash.,GPO,1973.
19 p. (93 congr.,lst sees.).
S-446 Section-by-section analysis of the proposed international development cooperation act of 1978.Prep, for the use of the comm, on foreign relations,U.S.Senate.Febr.1978. Wash.,GPO,1978.
24S p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Secc.,2).
5i 25 S-446 Section of labor relations law«
Directory,1968. Wash.,1968. 101 p. (American Bar Association) •