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5-446 Section of labor relations law. Program of the 1968 annual meeting. 1968 comm, reports. Chicago,1968.
271 p. (American Bar Associa tion)•
S-444 Sector negotiations.Executive hearing before comm, on finance.U.S. Senate.93 congr.,2d sess. Wash., GPO,1974.
Ill, 51 p.
r 90(02)
S-446 _ Sectoral aspects of projections for the world economy.First interregional seminar on long-term economic projections. Elsinore»Denmark 14-27 Aug..., 1966. Vol.2. N.Y.,U.N.,1969.
Vol. 2.	205 p.
r5o (Dl)
1'5(0 2?
B 37-64 '
S-446 Sectors of mutual benefit in the U.S.-^Soviet relations.
/Ed.by Nish Jamgotch/.-Durham;Duke University Press,1985.-XX,254p.-Indexspp.247-252
B 37-64,r981.1, r90-73
B 0 S-446
la Sécurité européenne dans les années 1970-1980. Quebec‘Centre québec de relat intern.,1973.-167p. (Choix.4 tr.)
B 0,B 37-611
8-444 Securities and Exchange Commission Annual report, 40th annual report of the securities and exchange commission,For the fiscal year ended June 30th. Wash.,GPO,1975. xviii, 182 p.
S-446 Securities and Exchange Commission.
Annual report of the SEC for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1975» Wash.,GP0,1976.
xix, 218 p. (.94th congr.,2d sess
S-446 Securities end Exchange Commission 42nd Annual report of the SEC for the fiscal year ended June 30>1976. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
xvii,215 p. (95th congr.,1st sess.)
637-^33; rdZ^'2'f rsz&.v,
B 37-533
S 446	Securities and exchange
Commission. 1972 /Thirty-eight annual report of the SEC for fiscal year ended June 30, 1972. - Wash.: GPO, 1973. - xxvii, 176 p. (93d Congr., 1st sess.).
B 37—533; T 913; T 926.7;	926.2
B 37-64 S-446	Security and. development assistance. Hearings before the Comm.on foreign relat.U.S, Senate.March 15,20,21,22,26,1985. Wash.,GPO,1985. 949p = /U.S.Congr. /
B 37-64 Z 982	6762
S-446	. Security assistance authoriza-
tion.Hearings before the subnomm. on foreign assistance,subcomm. on Africa, and Subcomm, on arms control, oceans, and intern.environment of the comm, on foreign relations. Senate Apr.21,22,25, and 28,May 2, 1977. Wash.,GPO,1977.
265 p. (U.S.Congr.,96, sess.l.)
803c B 37-601
S-446 Security in disarmament.
/Ed.by Richard J.Barnet and Richard A.Falk/.-Prinee t on,N. J.:Prince t on University Press,1965»-ix,441p.-Bibliogr.:pp.429-430.-Index;
M 30,H 354, B 37-611.2
B 0 S-446
Security in the KorthsKordic and Superpower perceptions.Papers pro- j sented to a seminar on "The North and the superpowers-mutual security policy perceptions” on March 16;1983. I "xid* by Bo nuldt and Atis Lejins.- i 31 ockholm,1983«-78p♦yBibli ogr•p•78•* /Swedish inst.of internut«affairs» Conf.papers 5»1984»/
S-446 Security in the Persian Gulf
Security in the Persian Gulf I: Domestic political factors.Ed.by Sharman Chubin. Montclair,New Jersey, Allanheld,Osmun & Co. Publishers, Inc. ,1981.
xiv, 90 p. Indexzpp.84-90.
S-446 Security in the Persian Gulf.
Security in the Persian Gulf 2: Robert Litwak. Sources of inter--state conflict. Montclair,Rew Jersey,AllanheId,Osmun & Co. Publishers, Inc. ,1981.
x,105 p. Index;pp.101-105.