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S-416 Science: a resource for humankind. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Bicentennial symposium. Wash., 1976.
vi,55 p.
Science advice to the President. William T.Golden,Guest Editor. A spe cial issue of Technology in Society. George Bugliarello.A.George Schillin ger editors. Martha Miller Willett managing editor. N.Y.,Oxford a.o. Pergamon Press,1980.
256 p. (Pergamon Policy Studies on Science and Technology).
B 37-602
Science and Diplomacy: lhe State oi Science at the Department of State. -American Association for the advancement of Science. - 116p.
732 d
s"416 Tnr/>S^ience and engineering degrees 1950-80. A source book. Wash, national Science Foundation,1982.
vi,67 p.
K32;	K321
K321 S-416
Science & engineering doctorate, suppl. & utilization. 1969& 1980. May 1971. Wash.,GP0,1971.
vi, 32 p. (National Science Found.).
K32 S-416
Science and engineering employment: 1970-80. Wash.,GPO,1981.
v,20 p. (National Science Foundation).
K323 S-416
Science end engineering manpower forecasting: its use in policymaking. Wash.,GPO,1979.
v,30 p. (Report by the U.S. General Accounting Office).
fr w-? 0
K32	j
S-416 Science and engineering personnel: a national overview. Wash.,GPO, 1980.
ix,48 p. (National Science Foundation).
K32 S-416
Science and engineering personnel : a national overview. Wash.,National Science Foundation, 1982.
viii,66 p.
K32; K324
S 416	Science and engineering per-
sonnel: a national overview.
- Wash.: NSB, 1985. - 160 p.
-(Surveys of science resources series. National science foundation)•
& 25; B 37-280; K 32
KO S-416
Science & government report inter national almanac 1977. Ed.by Daniel S Greenberg. Wash.,1977.
305 p. Index:pp.291-305.
Science & ideology in Soviet society Ed,by G.Fischer. N.Y.,Atherton Press, 1967.
IX, 176 p.
B 37-6OÎ>
S 416	Science and international
security /American Association for the Advancement of Science; Ed. by Eric H. Arnett. - New Jersey; Princeton Univercity Press, 1990. - 523 p. - (Responding to a Changing World)
B 37-602; kl32;
K 32
Qjfli Science and law : An essential alliance / Ed.by Thomas W.A. -Boulder vGol.) : Westview press, 1983. - X,168 p. - (A Westview spec.study). - Ind.: p.181-168.
n 37
S-416 Science and spciety.Past,present, and future.Ed.by IT.H.Steneck.
Ann Arbor,The University of Michigan Press,1975.
x, 412 p.