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B 11
S-416 Science Policy in the USSR/ By
E.Zaleski a.o.-Paris: OECD Publ.? 1969 -615 p.-Index:p.6O1- 6l5*-(Organisati-on for Economic Co-operation & Development).
B 11
S-416 Science policy study background report No.l« A history of science policy in the United States,1940-1985. Report prep, for the task force on' science policy comm. on science and technology House of repres.99th congr. 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
Uo.l. viii,120 p.
K32; K323
S-416 Science policy study background report No.l. A history of science policy in the U.S.,1940-1985.Report prep, for the task force on science policy Comm, on science and technology.House of repres. 99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GP0,1986.
120 p.
K32 8-416
Science policy study background report No.2. - Part B. Bibliography of reports by the National Academy sciences,1945-1985. Report prep, u-or the task force on science policy comm, on science and technology.House of repres.—th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
Jo.2. Part B. xiii,249 p.
A	K32y 132
K32 S-416
Science policy study background report No.3» The Nobel-prize awards in science as a measure of national strength in science.Report prep, by the congressional research service Library of Congress transmitted to the task force on science policy comm.on science and technology U.S.House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash., GPO,1986.
N0.3.	XIV, 192 p. K32;
S-416 Science policy study background report No.3> The Nobel-prize awards in science as a measure of national strength in science.Report prep, by the congr. research service library of Congr transmitted to the task force on science policy Comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.99th congr., 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
xiv,192 p. __	k32;K321;K323
K32 S-416
Science policy study background report No.4. World inventory of ’’Big science” research instruments and facilities.Report prep, by the congr. research service library of Congr. transmitted to the Task force on science policy.Comm, on science and technology.U. S.House of repres.99th congr. 2nd sess.. Wash. ,GPO, 1987.
XV,27/ p. K32;K321;K323
S-416 Science policy study background report No.5» The impact of information technology on science.Report prep, by the congres. research service Library to the Task force on science policy Comm, on science and technology U.S. House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
vii,51 p.	K32;K321;K323
K32 S-416
Science policy study background report No.6. Research policies for the social and behavioral sciences. Report prep, by the congressional re search service library of Congress, transmitted to the task force on sci ence policy comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
No. 6.
*ii,229 p.
K32; K321
Science policy study background report No.6. Research policies for the social and behavioral sciences. Report prep, by the congres. research service Library of Congr... transmitted to the Task force on science policy. Comm, on science and technology U.S. House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
xii,229 p.
K32; K321;K323
K32 S-416
Science policy study background report No.7»Expertise and democratic decisionmaking: a reader.Report prep, by the congressional research service Library of Congress transmitted to the task force on science policy comm.on science and technology.U.S. House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess Wash.:GPO,1987.-x,1037 p.
Â	K32
K32 S-416
Science policy study background report No. 9. Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering work force.Report prep, by the office of technology assessment transmitted to the task force on science policy.Comm, on science and technology.U.S.House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash., GPO,1987.
viii,269 p. K32;K321;K323
K32 S-416
Science policy stuay background report No.10.The regulatory environment foi’ science.Re port prep, by the office of technology assessment transmitted to the task force on science policy comm.on science and tech nology.U.S.House of repres.99th congr 2nd sees.-Wash.:GPO,1986.-viii,168 p.
K32 S-416
Science policy study background report No.11. Alternative mechanisms of research support: inventory and assessment.Report prep, by the general accounting office transmitted to the task force on science policy comm.on science and technology U.S.House of repres. 99th congr., 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1987.
x,196 p.	K321; K323
K32 $-416
Science policy study background report No.12. Research funding as an investment: can we measure the returns? Report prep, by the office of technology assessment transmitted to the task force on science policy comm.on science and technology U.S.House of rep-res. 99th congr.,2nd sess. Wash., CTO,1986.
No.12.	v,80 p.