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43	Miles,Machail W.
The radical probe,The logic of student rebellion, N.Y.,Atheneum 1971.
viii,311 p.
Miles,Thoma s S.
Commuter airelihes.State of the industry.By Thomas S.Miles,National air transportation conferences. /Wash.,GPO,1972/.
126 p.
M-643 Miles R.E. Jr
Awakening from the American dream. The social and political limits to growth. N.Y.,Universe Books,1976.
ix, 246 p. Index:pp.244-246.
M 645
The military and security in the Third World: domestic and international impacts. Ed. by Sheldon W.Simon.-
Dawson, Westview press. Boulder, Colorac 1978.-348p.
M 37
Military applications of nuclear techno.logy.Hearing before the subcomm, on military applications of the joint comm.on atomic energy,93d congr.,1st sess.Parts 1,2. Wash.,GPO,1973.
Part.1.	54 p.
Part 2. ^_iv, 135 p.
B 37-64
M-644 Military assistance and committments in the Philippines.Report to the congress by the Comptroller General of the United States. Wash.,1973.
42 p.
B 37-603
M-649	_ Military assistance program:1949
Joint hearings held in executive sess ion before the comm.on foreign relations and the comm.on armed services. Wash.,GPO,1974.
V,736 p. (81st congr. ,1st sess.
B 36
M 644
Military assistance programs.P.1-2. Wash.,GPO,1976.
2 vol.	(U.S.Congr.Selected exe-
cutive sess.hearings of the Comm.on int emat. relations f 1943-50 .Vol .3-6).,
P.1.Mutual defense assist.act of
1949.	1976.	592 p.
P.2.Extension of the mutual defense
assist.act of 1949» 595 P*
...	1976.
P.1.-3420 P.2.-3421
B 37-64
M-644	Military assistance training.Rep'
ort of the subcomm.on national secu-~ rity policy to the comm.on foreign af' fairs. Wash.,GPO,1971.
vii,24 p.
B 37-64
M-644	Military assistance training in
East and Southeast Asia.A staff repor prep, for the use of the subcomm.on national security policy and scientific developments of the comm.on foreign affairs,House of repr.,91st cong 2d sess.Febr.16,1971. Wash.,GPO, 1971.
V,31 p.
II 0	Military balance in Europe
M-645 Selected papers presented to a ■ Conf.at the Swedish inst.of intern affairs on 17-18 apr.19801 Sd.by Bo Huldt and Atis Lejins Stockholm, 19Q2.
152p /Swedish inst.oi intern.
H 0	affairs.Conf.papers 2/
M 30
B 37-612	7179	•
M 0
M-644	The military balance.1969-1970.
63 p. (The Inst, for Strategic Studies),
i4 0 M-644
The military balance.1971-1972.
L.,International Inst.for Strategic Studies,1971.
83 p.
B 0, HO,
i/l 0
M-644 The military balance.1972-1973» L.,International Inst.for Strategic Studies,1972.
viii,94 p.
J/ 0
M-644 The military balance 1982-1983« L.,The International Institute for Strategic Studies,1982.
viii,141 p.
HO; W30