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It 31 Military construction authorize M 644 tion. F.Y.,1982. Hearings before the Subcomm.on military construct! on of the Comm.on aimed services. U.S.Senate. Apr.7,8,May 4;Sept,29, 1981. Wash.,GPO,1982.
475 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,1
n 31
Id 0
M 644 Military deception and strategic surprise.Ed.by J.Gooch and A.Perlmutter. Totows,n.y.,Franc Cass, 1982.
Id 0	5906c
B 37-601 The military dimensions of fo M 644 reign policy.Ed.by Fred Warner
Neal and Mary Kersey Harvey.
Santa Barbara,Calif.,Center for the study of democratic inst.. 1974. '	•
XII,130 p. (Pacem in terris III.Vol.2).
B 37-601;II 31 ;
B 37-611.2
М-644	Military force and American socie-
ty.Ed. by Bruce M.Russett and Alfred Stepan.	N.Y.a.0.,Harper & Row,1973»
VI,371 p. Bibliogr.:p.296-371.
M-644	Military forces and political
conflicts in the Mediterranean. P., The Atlantic Inst.,1970.
52 p.
B 30 The military in America.From M 644 the colonial era to the present.
Ed.by Peter Karsten.
N.Y., Free press,1980«
X, 485 p.
B 30;B 37-3;
H,301; IT 35
Kt 32 M 644	Thia military-industrial complex and United States foreign policy. Ed.by O.L.Carey. Wash., Wash.State U.2.,1969. 66p.
II 32	1005 c
Military manpower issues of the past and future.Hearing before the subcomm, on manpower and personnel of the comm, on armed services.U.S.Senate. 93rd congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO, 1974.
111,164 p.
M 38
M-644	Military manpower training report
for PY 1974. Wash.,GPO,1973.
56 p. (Dept.of defense).
H 31
M-644	Military posture and legislation
to authorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1971 for...Hearings on mili tary posture and... before the comm.on armed services...91 st congr.,2d sess. Pts.1,2. Wash.,GPO,1970.
P.1.	6811-7907 p.
P.2.	7909-8667,XVII p.
M-644 Military power and policy in Asi -an states: China, India, Japan.Ed. by Onkar Marwah and Jonathan D.Pollack. Contributors: Onkar Marwah a.o.
Dawson, Folkestone,England.Westview, Press, Boulder, Cpeprado,1980.
xviii, 180 p.
M-644	Military procurement supplemental-
fiscal year 1974.Hearings before the comm.on armed services...March 12 and 1 1974. Wash.,GPO,1974.
214 p. (93d congr.,2d sess.).
U 30 Military readiness and the rapid M 654 deployment joint task force (RDJTF) Hearings before the Comm.on the budget.House of repr.Sept.30 and Oct.1,1980. . Wash.,GPO,1980.
70 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sessl,2)
M 30;Id 44;B 37-64
B 37-69
M-654 Military sales-an increasing U.S. role in Africa.Rep.by the U.S. General Accounting Office,1978.-Wash.: GAO,1978.-35p.
B 37-69.B 37-64, II 30
Military sales to Saudi Arabia-1975.Hearings before the subcomm.on international political and military affairs of the comm.on international rela tions,U.S,House of repr.Nov,4 and Dec. 17,1975. Wash.,GPO,1976.
42 p. (94th congr.,1st sess.).