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B 22
C 212
Canada.Parliament.Hous® of Commons.
Debates.Official report.1967-1974. Ottawa, 1967-1974.
19 vol..	.
1967-68.Feb.26-Apr.23.Vol.7.Pari., 27,Sess.,2.	6971-8145 p.
1968.Oct.15-31.Vol.2.Pari.,28.Sess 1.	1133-2292 p.
Canada.Parliament.House of Commons.
1968.	Nov.1-Dec.2.Vol.5.Pari.,28.
Sess.,1. 2293-34-10 p.
1969.	Mar.20-Apr.25.Vol.7.Pari.,
28.Scss.,1.	6883-8031 p.
1969.Juno 18-0ct.22.Vol.10.Pari., 28.Sess.,1. 10297-11732.
1970.Oct.8-Nov.12.Vol.1.Pari.,28 Sess.,3. A 1-1134 p.
Canada.Parliament«House of Commons.
Debates• «...
»	‘	4	,	.	. t	i •	i
Л970•Apr.6-May 5•Vol.6.Pari «,28•
Sess..2.‘. 5485-6620,
'1	•Jan.1П-Feb.42.Vol«5.Pari «,
28.Sess.,3. ■ 2247-3359 P»
1971.Мауб-June H.Vol.6»Pari«,28.
Sess.,3» 5549-6648 p.
1971.Sept.18-0ct.19.Vol.8.Parl., 28.Sess.,3.	77S7-S852 p.
Canada.Parilament.House of Commons.
1971 .Oct .20-Nov'. 26 .Vol .9 .Pari., 28.Sess.,5*	8853-994-7 p.
'l972iFeb.17-Mar.17.Vol.1 .Pari., 28.Sess.,4.	1-946 p.
1972.Mar.20-May 5-Vol.2.Pari.,28.
Sess.,4; 94-7-1964 p.
1972;June 8-Sept.1.Vol.4.Pari.,28.
Sess.,4. 2955-394-9 P-
Canada.Parilament.House of Commons.
1973.May 7-June 8.Vol.4.Pari..29.
Sess.,1. 3449-4602 p.
1973.June 11-July 18iVol.5.Pari., 29.Sess.,1.	4603-5773 .p.
1973.Oct.15-Nov. 23.Vol.7.Pari., 29.Sess.,1.	6821-8110.p.
1973-74 .Nov • 26-Feb . 26 .Vol. 8 .FSirl., 29.Sess.,1.	8111-9309 P*
Canada.Parliament.House of Commons.
1974.Feb.27-Mar.29.Vol.1.Pari..29 Sess.,2. 1-1011 p.
Canada.Parliament.House of Commons.
1976-1977.Dec.21-Feb.21.Vol.3., Pari.,30.Sess.2,1977.	3276-2187 pp
0-212 Canada.Parliament. 29th.1st sess.
House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the special comm.on trends
in food prices.	Ottawa,	Informa-
tion Canada,1975.		
Issue N0.5.	Febr. 20.	65 P.
Issue N0.6.	Febr. 22.	170 p.
Issue N0.9.	March 6.	163 p.
Issue No.ll	. March 13.	130 p.
Issue No.12	. March 15.	124 p.
Issue No.LLi	March 16.	82 p.
Issue No.fl	b 14. March	19,20. 148p
fl	F
C-212 Canada.Parliament.29th. 1st sess. House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the standing comm.on broadcasting, films and assistance to the arts. Respecting: estimates 1973-74 _ Canadian Broadcasting corporation. Ottawa, Information Canada.1973.
Issue No.	2.	April	3.	32	p.
Issue No.	3.	April	4.	37	p.
Issue No.	4.	April	5.	33	p.
/32 2
0-212 Canada. Parliament.29th. 1st sess. House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the standing comm.on broadcating, films and assistance to the arts.Respecting: Estimates 1973-74 Department of Secretary of State (Opportunities of youth). Ottawa,Information Canada, 1973.
Issue No. 5. April 10.	190 p.
r 822
C-212 Canada. Paliament. 29th.1st sess. House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the standing comm.on finance, trade and economic affairs. Respecting: bill C-3, an act to amend the export development act. Ottawa, Information Canada,1973.
Issue No. 7. April 3.	46 p.
r 822
C-212 Canada. Paliament.29th.1st sess. House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the standing comm, on finance, trade and economic affairs.Respecting: estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1974,Finance. Ottawa,Information Canada, 197,3.
Issue No. 2. March 22.	32 p.
r 822
0-212 Canada. Paliament.29th. 1st sess.
House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the standing comm, on finance, trade and economic affairs.Respecting: estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1974 relating to the Department of Industry,Trade and Commerce. Ottawa,Information Canada,1973.
Issue No. 9» -April 10.	41 p.
C-212 Canada. Paliament. 29th.1st sess. House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the standing comm.on national. resources and public works.Respecting: annual report of the department of energy,mines and resources. Ottawa,Information Canda,1973.
Issue No.	6.	March	20.	47	p.
Issue No.	7»	March	22.	35	p.
Issue No.	8.	March	27.	30	p.
Issue No.9_	March	28.	29	p.
0-212 Canada. Parliament.50th, 1st sess.
House of Commons.
Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the special joint comm, of the Senate and of the House of Commons on employer-employee relations in the public service.Hespectings the finkelman report. Ottawa,Informât! on Canada,1975»
Issue No. 29. April 29.	17 p.
Issue No. 50. May LI.	24 p,
/3 2 2 ;