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E 22	Canada: the state of the federation. 1993. /
C 212 Ed. by R. L. Watts, D. M. Brown. -
Kingston: Institute of intergovernmental relations, 1993. - 256 p.
B 22	Canada: the state of the
C 212 federation 2004:municipal-federal-Provincial Relations in Canada.Ed.
By Young R. a.o. Montreal, 2004.-408 p.
C-212 Canada, the United States, and space. Ed.by John Kirton. Toronto, Canadian Institute of International Affairs,1986.
x,120 p.
C-212	Canada—United States interparlia-
mentary group. Report on the 18th meeting,held at Victoria»British Columbia. May 27-31, 1977. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
19 p. (95th congr.,lst sess.).
C-212 The Canada-United States interparliamentary group. 21st meeting •May 23-27,1980. Report by the chairman of the House of repres. delega-r tion.	Wash.,1980.
33 p. (96th congr.,2d sess.).
/3	/
B 37-64
C 212	Canada - United States relations. Ed. by
H. E. English. - New York : The Academy of Political Science, 1976. - XII, 180 p. -Ind. :p. 177-180.
B 37-64
C-213	Canada - U.S. relations: options for
the future 1 American reaction / W. Diebold, Jr., L. B. Fleming, E. Gullion, P. H. Trezise. Vol. 32, № 1. - Toronto : Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1973. -lip.- (Behind the headlines).
B 22	_	7374
0-213 Canada-U.S. relations: options for the future.2 Canadian reaction. S.C.Rolland, P.Howard, P.V.Lyon, P.St.John, N.Smith. April 1973.Vol.32, No. 2. Toronto, Canadian institute of International Affairs,1973.
14 p. (Behind the headlines).
52J, 622) /33?'6 Ÿ
B22 C-212	Canada-United States Relations Vol.1.The Institutional framework for the relationship.	Ottawa, Queen's Printer for Canada,1975. 89 p.
B22;	B225-642;
fl 25
C-212 Canada year book. 1972.Statistical annual of the resources,demography,institutions and social and economic conditions of Canada,1972.
vii, 1404 p.
J Zf 'z /3 Z Z (oz)'f
3 25.1
C-212 Canada year book. 1975.-An annual review of economic, social and political developments in Canada. Ottawa Information Canda,1975*
x, 951 p. Index: pp.922-951.
fizs.l • <ii-Z (02J
51 25	Canada Year Book. 1975. An annual review of
C 212 economic, social and political developments in
Canada. - Ottawa, Published by authority of the Minister of industry, trade and commerce, 1975.-935p.
0-212 Canada year book 1976-77.Special edition.An annual review of economic, social and political developments in Canada. Ottawa,Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1977.
xv,1142 p. Index:pp.1114-1142.
fi 25.1
C-212	Canada Year Book,1980-81.A review
of economic,social and political developments in Canada. Ottawa,Statistics Canada,1981.
X,1004 p. Index:pp.981-1004.
rSc>Z > X 30
fl 30
0-212 Canada year book 1985.A review of economic, social and political developments in Canada. Ottawa, Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1985.
894 p.	Indexjpp.869-894.
fl 30