
Подождите, идёт загрузка

Brichta A.M.,Sharp Peter E.M.
From project to production, ford ao.,Pergamon Press,1970.
xvii, 295 p.
, iT3^i p- g	| x 0
9	1-0 '1
B-849 Bricker’s directory of university -sponsored executive development programs 1970 ed. By George W.Bricker.	Wilton,
Connecticut, Bricker Pub1.,1969.
ix, var. pag.
B-849 Bricker’s directory of university-sponsored executive development programs. 1971 Supplement. By George W.Bricker. Wilton, Conn.,1970.
Var. pag.
B-851 Bridenbaugh,Carl
Myth. & Realities.Societies of the Colonial South. N.Y.,Atheneum,1975.
x, 208 p.
B 37-532.2 B-853	A brief history of the comm, on agriculture and forestry U.S. Senate and Landmark agricultural legislation. 1825-1970. 91st congr., 2nd sess. - Washington : GPO, 1970.-VI, 52 p.
f 94	3104
B 37
B-853	A brief history of the Senate Committee in
commerce, science, and transportation and its activities since 1947. 95th congr., 2nd sess.
- Washington : GPO, 1978. - IV, 138 p.
MM№№< •-
B 37-532.2	10823
Brief position papers and other documents relating to the Republican Coordinating Committee. Wash.,196-.
27 p.
B-853 Briefing on counterforce attacks.
Hearing before the subcomm, on arms control, international law and organ!za tion of the comm, on foreign relations. U.S.Senate.93rd congr.,2d sess. Wash. GPO,1973.
Ill, 56 p.
B-855 Briefing on East-West trade.Hearing.. subcomm. on international trade, investment and monetary policy of the Comm, on banking, currency and housing, House of repres,§4th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO, 1975.
56 p.
B-853 Briefing on major foreign policy qu estions.Hearing before the comm, on foreign relations... 93 congr.,1st sess. BebraSl, 197:5. Wash.,GPO,197^.
B 37-611.2 Briefings on SALT negotiations.
B 853 Hearings before the Corun.on foreign relations.U.S.Senate.Nov.3,29,1977. Wash.,GP0,1978.
75 P» (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,1)
B 37-611.2;B 37-64;
ÏÏ 37;M 30
Briefing on the military airlift capability during the Middle East conf lict and the enforcer aircraft before Subcomm.N 1 of the Comm, on armed services.House of Repr., -Aug. 8,1974. Wash.,GPO,1974.
40 p. (U.S.Congr.,93.Sess.,2).
B-853 Briefing on Vietnam.Hearings before the Comm, on foreign relations... 91 congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1969.
Ill, 167 p.
B 37
T 942 E31;E42 B 37-532.2
A briefing session for new members and staffs. (Together with administration budget requests). Review of basic laws and programs within the jurisdiction of the comm, on agriculture, House of repr.
- Washington : GPO, 1977. - 309 p.
63 C
B-854 Briggs, Ellis
Anatomy of Diplomacy. The Origin & Execution of American foreign Policy.--N.Y.: McKay, 1968.-VIII, 248 p.--Index:p. 241-248.