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B-855 BriScivil°liberties and American Democracy» Wash.,Congressional Quarterly Inc.,1984»
xiii,300 p. Bibliogr.:pp.271-282; Indexes: pp.283-300.
B-858 -“rink Victor Z.
Computers and. management. The exe cutive viewpoint. Englewood. Cliffs, N.J.,Prentice-Hall,1971.
xii, 172 p. Index : pp.169-172.
7>	f
Brinkley Alan & others.
Ilev/ Federalist Papers: essays.
L'.Y., Porton, 1997, 179 p.
B 34 Brinkley,Alan
B-858 Voices of protest.Huey Long, Father Coughlin,and the great depression. N.Y.,Knopf,1982. \
XIII,348p.,4 l.ill. Index PP.337-348.
B 34
3-859 Brisbane R.H.
Black activism. Racial revolution in the U.S. 1954-1970. Valley Forge Judson Press,1974.
552 p.	Index:pp.519-552.
4.3^ att'W,
B-862 Britain’s economic performance.
Richard E.Caves and Lawrence B.Krause editors. Wash.,The Brookings Institution, 1980.
xiv, 388 p. Index:pp.383-388.
Britannica book of the year. 1962. A record, of the march of events of 1961. Chicago, /a.0./,Encyclopaedia, 1962.
767 p., ill.
Britannica book of the year. 1966. /Events of 1965/. Chicago, /a.0./,Encyclopaedia ,1966.
832 p.,ill.
Britannica.Book of the year. 1968.
Chicago a.o.»Encyclopaedia,1968.
832 p.
ft 25.1
Britannica.Book of the year 1971» Chicago a.o.»Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.,1971.
852 p. , 64 p. States Stat, suppl
J 25.1 B-862
Britanica.Book of the year,1972.
Chicago, University of Chicago,1972. 800 p.
B-862 Britanica.Book of the year.1973.
Chicago, a. o.',Encyclopaedia Britanica Inc.,1973.
800 p.
г	£	-1-
	25 .И	Britanica book of .the year 1932-
в	362	1975 •	Chicago,a.0. ,Encyclopao- dia Brit anica, 1962-1975 • 7 vol. 1962.	1932.	787 1.966.	1966.	352 p.,ill. 1966.	15'63.	052 p•}ill • 1970.	1970.	852 p.,ill. Index p.805-852. 1971.	1971.	852 p.<64 p. States Stat.^^ipl.
Я	25 и	62—>0 »66—51;6o— 70;70-580;714258 c
Britanica Look of the year 1962-197-.	■	. ■
1972.	1972.	800
1973*	1973.	800
72-	1726;
73-	2053
® “58	, Lawrence W.
Rethinking business with the USSR. Wash.: PPI : SALS,1988. - /1/.19 p. -(PPI policy briefs) (US-Sov.relations; 1 /). - Ои исано по осг/\. - Из тит. л а & т. к«. ^казан.