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Svù		PismA f lazofiazine. T.1'2, Wars-
		•Ä. Pan$fw-.	nanKowe- , /<Э'5'<?
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	Pii .	Pisarze polsc^,)
		Пе-ьгд ЗЭГЛ. PoIsKä	IVàuK
		...£11,0X0 fi<;z пу.
ß.4(,7<		/ /? I&d&ck't J".	O +fe.rq
		Te.drx<i.i Sm&dexki. Prz^roJn'i^r....	
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	Ca	Ьг 1 <4<gg-, Mass ■ Наг^дг<?1 Uh'iv',
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der modir^en .nffrturwi^benbü.hfi^^T n^cVs den Cr-çebni^en der vicuesTen iorbcb<4noen-ёнЛъгч'ь, deUTbc^e ^berset, v'on 4pms KiftinpeTer. .^-t* /СгГЬе^ *uil, Lf.vpxiOj £с>Ли9о7,.	L
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Recursively Enumerable Sets and Degrees: A Study of Computable Functions and
Computably Generated Sets.-Berlin etc.:
Springer, 1987.-457 p.-(Perspectives in
Mathematical Logic).
Sobre la argument ас ion. filosofica.
Symposium, por Jean Wahl» Nathan Rotenstreich, John Passmore, Julian Marias. Mexico.1963» 52s. (XIII congreso interna-cional de filosofia.)
cpwAOc U-OHr^
Sobre derecho natural y axiologia. Symposium, por Luigi Bagolini, Norberto Bobbio, Helmuth Coing. Mexico.1963, 143s. (XIII congreso interna-cional de filosofia.)
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Sobre la nocion husserliana de la, lebensweit. Symposium, por Jose Gaos, Ludwig Landgrebe, Enzo Paci John Wild. Mexico.1963» 93*. (XIII congreso internacio-nal de filosofia.)
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Sobre valor in genere y valores especificos. Symposium, por Daniel Christoff, Josef Luis Curiel... Mexico.1963• 159s» (XIII congreso interna-cional de filosofia.)
F, ilk	Szx	As L<CtlCV<a		v^cA^ T.	J'b--1'■..
		??ГЭ^Э -B.OУ.лОй~Ьг 1QS*1 - 		 ?>	
		—	J. Y.	T IQ Sevens'll 9utori _о r i'иos-Ч	 s+flliha к ryisrxis^itlce ^'losr>|i \ . Sloorh	
	s+al	■ 1,	7 8Gs	
		T, i 1 Velvet $\1э ^Uieiftek \eviinLS	
		SouUr еЛИЧ. 13^,. iS-| «ч	
	—			C.W. t-л.
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^c^bi-^Sv\t:iJOÇ> эъу^ =>ли<; О	X т
—	■felvn	T-l.G f -3- СЬ^асЬ-эслсЛ - о рпгиа -oa-h ‘ovpta, |9si ЬЧ
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		м T. 14 l’i 1 qç>oXlc.Wu lAui/caw ^V\eo —
	reh	/	1	У	J ;keVio OGÀka-z,4 J.V« Mictirivia.
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		T. K-> O sovÂ"Lbkewi vtasiene càvi ,
		irkvVc	\osS*b.
		T. ^7	wtgrxibhcko- \ eihvn^ke
		5O^k£. Sbo^ùk shah» №£?)■
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Socialist humanism,culture»personality :Theme of the 17th World Congress of Philosophy (Montreal,August 1983).-M.:Social Science Today,1983.-326 p.-(Problemes of the contemporary world).