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СОЛОВЬЁВ г>.С.,о нём
The Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov«Towards a Reassessment.~lAid.« Macmillan Press,4! 988.-247p.
avelA- и. СЛ , и 190^
!3is. ^Die XuAtur y, c. G'urX.i.W.,.^
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L'Autorite mondiale: realites et illusions. Venise.1Q65.
Ô960 5о mzrvïlle
г/о'гсу Bà-sic "trends in Soviet philoso f^e^r. îrom (( w Ph’dosopKical May, /^6 , У.У.. p. Z5-0~Z^)
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й	^omervi He . John	
$-# -		tùeГНоС-ГЭкСх/ and ’Jpêdom : iow&ro/ï
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Sorn	Lisl&cjcal materialism . New York	
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Somerville J.	ed.
Dialogues on the philosophy of marxism.Proa the proc.of the Soo.for the philos.study of dialectical materialism. Kd.by J.Somerville and H.L.Parsons.Westport (Conn.) — London»Greenwood press. 1974
XVI,420 p. (Contribations in philoa phy.I 6).
Some.nvjll'er John
	/Ле ЁГ/уоу/геп/ от study /п School or on your own,
	IVew* York, Abelard- ScJvman /^4,
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Somerville. , John MacPherson_____________
5om I	l/^etAo(^o/o<gy in Social Science
A critique. ot Мэгх &ncl En^eJ Уо^к^ /^19
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ОО ГА		Tfie philosophy of pe^ce. Japan
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The pHJosopky
Tntroductbr-y Letters by Albert Ein fiteilfi dnd Thomas Mè\nn , Suppl.
dnd re/i$, ecl, l/tw* York, Li Pfes3/ ' 1943.
S о merv'.H^l John Sow} Problematics: 5 •SSioec-t of obit
(Proceedi<=# ."the XM Jnte.cn ationaj Congress of philosophy, Vol. V/, Philos-oty And tdelhoololoqiy of the lienees of nature . ßrwxeJ/ts, dJSJ pjb-fofj
B'QsGO S omervi He., John
S>om Some perspectives on Russia «and "the West from fhf history of rKssiAn philoso|oh>y.	frorn
„Phi loso joh'y Phenom. Research"
iv, of Southern
F	S 0	merville John
Sorn		SozieJ philosophy. A study of
		»ry sind Practice,. Japan ,
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