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U-58 United States.The Comptroller General.
Improvements needed in defense’s ef forts to use work measurement. Wash. Comptroller General of the U.S.,1976.
iv, 33 p. (Report to the Congress)
U-58	U.S,Comptroller General.
Indian education in the public school system needs more direction from the congress. Wash. »G.P.O., 1977.
viii,56 p.
H30 1-86
Issues-concerning sir force
KC-1OA advanced tanker/cargo aircraiu. Wash.,The Comptroller General of tne U.S., 1979*	’
iv,25 p. (Bu the Comptroller General of*the U.S.Report to the Congress).
// 3/;
U-58 United States. The Comptroller General. Job opportunities for women in the
military: progress and problems.
Wash.,Comptroller General of the United States,1976.
ii,31 p. (Report to the Congress).
pi 33
r 98 U-58
U.S.Comptroller General.
Lessons to be learned, from the management of commodities remaining from ternimated Indochina economic assistance programs.hept. of state and other agencies.	/Wash.,G.P.O./,1976
v,?1 p.
• rSU'
U-58 U.S. The Comptroller General.
Manufacturing technology. A changing challenge to improved productivity Wash., Comptroller General of the United States, 1976.
iv,l$5 p. (Report to the Congress)
58 U.S.Comptroller General
Millions could be saved annualy and productivity increased if military support functions in the pacific were consolidated. Department of defense. Wash..Comptroller General of the U.S., 1975.
iii, 64 p. (Report to the Congress
M-665 Mining law reform and balanced resource management. Wash., Comptroller General of the U.S.,1979« vii,62 p. (Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.).
£36; /W y;
rns.i'f *35-r’
( 980 1-58
VaiteA State«.Coaptroller geaeral.
More effektive VaiteA State« parti-•ipatioa aeeAeA ia WotlA Baak aaA later-aatieaal Developaeat Aeaeeiatioa. Wasl fipo,i975;1 8$ p.
L( 13*/ 7%z
M—935	Hoving participants from public
service employment programs into unsubsidized jobs needs more attention.
"wash.,Comptroller General ox the U.S., 1979.
vii,64 p. (Report by the Comptroller General of the U.S.).
K93 U-58
United States.The Comptroller General.
The national assessment of educational progress: its results neet to be made more useful. Wash.,U.S.General Accounting Office, 1976.
iv, 71 p. (Report to the Congress).
U.S.Comptroller General.
The national defense reserve fleet -can it respond to future contingencies? Wash.,/G.P.O./,1976.
Hi,$7 p.
U—53 United States.The Comptroller General.
National energy policy: an agenda for analysis. Wash.»Comptroller General of the U.S.,1977.
56 p.
1'60; rW,
K 52 U-58
U.S.Comptroller General.
National Science Foundation-suppor ted science education materials:prob-lems in evaluation,distribution,and mo nitoring. Wash.,/G.P.O./,1976.
v,68 p.
Natural gas reserves estimates: a good federal program emerging, bu problems and duplications persist. Wash.,GPO,1979-
vi,7^ p. (Report to the Congress by The Comptroller General of the U.G.).