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U-5S United States.Comptroller General.
Excess defense article valuation and transfers of war reserve materials to al lies.Department of defense. Wash.,General Accounting Office, 1975»
16 p.
ft 37-6Z-
U-58 United States. The Comptroller Genera] Executive-legislative communications and the role of the Congress during international crises. Wash., Comptroller General of the United States, 1976.
V, 26 p.(Report of the Comptroller General of the U.S.)
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U-58 United States.The Comptroller General.
-Federal agencies’ contracting for research and development in the private, profitmaking sector. VJash.,Comptroller General of the U.S.,1977.
19 p. (Report of the Comptroller General of the U.S.)
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E52 U-58
United States.The Comptroller General.
Federal assistance for presidential transitions: recommendations for changes in legislation.	Wash.,Comptrol-
ller General of the U.S.,1975.
ii,58 p. (Report to the Congress)
United States.The Comptroller General.
Financial and legal aspects o: the agreement on the availability of certain Indian ocean Islands for defense purposes. Wash., Comptroller General of the U.S., 1976.
8 p.

F-491 Financial and legal implications of Iran’s cancellation of arms purchase agreements. Wash.,Comptroller General of the U.S.,1979.
25 p. (Report by the Comptroller General of the U.S.).
rd S 2'’ /33 7' 2 >
B;57	'	«
F-668 Followup review of the office of the inspector general of foreign assistance. Wash.»Comptroller General of the U.S.,1976.
19 p. (Report to the Comm.on International relations House of rep-res. by the Comptroller General of the U.S.)
B 3 '7 - 5 2 . G
F-95? Fossil energy research, development, and demonstration: opportunities for change. . Wash.,The Comptroller General o.L the b.G., 197».
v, 02 p. (Report by the Comptroller General of the U.b.).
rpc> -60
U-58United States.The Comptroller General.
Grain reserves: a potential U.S. food policy tool.	Wash.,Comptroller
General of the U.S.,1976.
i,92 p. (Report of the Comptroller General of the U.S.)
W40 U-58
United States.The Comptroller General.
Highlights of a report on staffing and organization of top-management headquarters in the department of defense. Wash., U.S.General Accounting Office,1976 v,29 p.
U-58 United States.The Comptroller General Human resources research and deve-lopment results can be better managed. Department of defense. Wash.»Comptroller General of the U.S,,1977.
ii, 53 p. (Report to the comm.on appropriations House of repres.)
#33’. r90-?D'( rszr,
United States.The Comptroller General
Hungry nations need to reduced food losses caused by storage, spillage, and spoilage. Wash.»Comptroller General of the U.S.,1976.
iv,29 p. (Report to the Congress)
r 98
U.S.Comptroller General.
Impact of foreign direct investments :case studies in North and Sou Carolina. /Wash.,G.P.O./,1976.
iv,41 p.
B 37-62; F973,/
r 98	•
U-58 U.S.Comptroller General.
Impact of U.S.development and food aid in seledted developing countries. Depts.of state and agriculture and Age ncy for International Development. /Wash.,G.P.O./,1976.
iii,43 p.
U-58 United States. Comptroller General.
Implications of deregulating the price of natural gas.	Wash.,ComptroL
ler General of the United States,1976.
viii,61 p.