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r 80
r-663 Robinson Richard D.
International management. N.Y.a o., Holt,1967.
xiv, 178 p. Index:pp.167-178.
bh Bl R-665
Robinson Thomas W.
The border negotiations and the future of Sino-Soviet-American relations./Santa Monica,Rand Corp.,1971/» 48 p.
bh Bl R-665
Robinson Thomas W.
The border negotiations and the future of Sino-Soviet-American relations./Santa Monica,Rand Corp.,1971/» 48 p.
R-665 Robinson,Thomas W.
Scholary research and policy relevance: the cases of quantitative international relations and international law. Santa Monica,Calif., Rand Corp.,1971.
11 p.
R-665 Robinson,Thomas W.
Scholary research and policy relevance: the cases of quantitative international relations and international law. Santa Monica,Calif., Rand Corp.,1971.
11 p.
OT B2 R666	Robinson W.I. Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity. Cambridge University Press,2014.-246p.
OT B2 R666	Robinson W.I. Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity. Cambridge University Press,2014.-246p.
W tri
I rv>
666 Robles Alfonso Garcia
The Latin American nuclear-weapon-free zone. Muscatine.Iowa, 1979...
31 p. (Occasional paper 19. The Stanley Foundation).
2 2' bM'W ’ ' /3 3 ? - b //;
W tri
I rv>
666 Robles Alfonso Garcia
The Latin American nuclear-weapon-free zone. Muscatine.Iowa, 1979...
31 p. (Occasional paper 19. The Stanley Foundation).
2 2' bM'W ’ ' /3 3 ? - b //;
r-666 Robock Stefan H. and Calkins Robert D.
The international technology trans fer process.Prep, by S.H.Robock,R.D. Calkins of International Business Columbia University in cooperation with Comm, on Technology and International Economic and Trade Issues of the Aasem bly of Engineering,National Research Council and Office of the Foreign. Secretary»National Academy of Engineering. Wash..National Academy of Sciences, 1980..	_
viii,34	r50T30-6o;
r-666 Robock Stefan H. and Calkins Robert D.
The international technology trans fer process.Prep, by S.H.Robock,R.D. Calkins of International Business Columbia University in cooperation with Comm, on Technology and International Economic and Trade Issues of the Aasem bly of Engineering,National Research Council and Office of the Foreign. Secretary»National Academy of Engineering. Wash..National Academy of Sciences, 1980..	_
viii,34	r50T30-6o;
r 90
R-666	Robotics and the economy:A staff
study prep.for the use of the sub-'	comm.on monetary and fiscal policy
of the goint econ.comm.,congr. of the U.S. Wash.,G.P.O.,1982.
IX, 34 p.
r 90
R-666	Robotics and the economy:A staff
study prep.for the use of the sub-'	comm.on monetary and fiscal policy
of the goint econ.comm.,congr. of the U.S. Wash.,G.P.O.,1982.
IX, 34 p.
R-666 Robotics and foreign affairs.
A symposium.Organized and co-edited by David T.Morrison Una Chapman Cox Fellow,1983-84. Co-edited by Diane B.Bendahmane. Wash.,GPO,1985.
x,93 p. (Center for the study of foreign affairs).
B37-602; f980
R-666 Robotics and foreign affairs.
A symposium.Organized and co-edited by David T.Morrison Una Chapman Cox Fellow,1983-84. Co-edited by Diane B.Bendahmane. Wash.,GPO,1985.
x,93 p. (Center for the study of foreign affairs).
B37-602; f980