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Г 82
R-883 Rowland Wade
Fuelling Canada’s future.
Wade Rowland.	Toronto,Macmillan
of Canada,1974.
161 p.
Г823.52; Г823.512
R-885 Rowthorn Robert
International big business. 1957-1967. A study of comparative gtowth,By Robert Rowthorn. Cambridge,Univ.Press 1971.
viii, 112 p.
R-885 Rowthorn Robert
International big business. 1957-1967. A study of comparative gtowth,By Robert Rowthorn. Cambridge,Univ.Press 1971.
viii, 112 p.
r 822
R 888
17107 /7/©4
Royal commission on the economic union and development prospects for Canada: Report /Minister of supply and services Canada. Vol. 1-2.
- Ottawa, 1985»
Vol 1. -xxii p., 385 p.
Vol. II, 827 p.
P 822;r822.02;
B 225-642; F 822.6
r 822
R 888
17107 /7/©4
Royal commission on the economic union and development prospects for Canada: Report /Minister of supply and services Canada. Vol. 1-2.
- Ottawa, 1985»
Vol 1. -xxii p., 385 p.
Vol. II, 827 p.
P 822;r822.02;
B 225-642; F 822.6
Я 25 R 888	Boyal United Services'Institute and Brassey’s.London. Defence yearbook 1978/79« Lnd., И978. VIII,565- P-
Я 2?;TŒ 0;И 2;	4495
и 5о	w
Я 25 R 888	Boyal United Services'Institute and Brassey’s.London. Defence yearbook 1978/79« Lnd., И978. VIII,565- P-
Я 2?;TŒ 0;И 2;	4495
и 5о	w