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f3 37*é The role and control of intema-
R 745 tional communications and informations Report to the Subcomm.on internat.operations of the Comm.on foreign relations .Senate.June 1977«	Wash., GPO,
39 P
n sw; * 33';
r 90-60
R-745 . The roie an(j effect of technology in the nation’s economy. Hearings before a subcomm, of the Select comm, on small business... 88 congr.,lst sess. Part 2.	Wash.,GPO,1963»
P. 2. 117-.230.
rgo-o>; <325 r 5o P
r 90-60
R-745 . The roie an(j effect of technology in the nation’s economy. Hearings before a subcomm, of the Select comm, on small business... 88 congr.,lst sess. Part 2.	Wash.,GPO,1963»
P. 2. 117-.230.
rgo-o>; <325 r 5o P
B 37-533
R /”45 The ro]_e of advisory committees in U.S.Foreign policy. Frepa ed for the Comm.on foreign relations U.S.Senate. Comm, on intern.relations. U.S.House of representatives by Foreign division. Congressional research service, library of Congress. April 1975.
- Wash.: CFO, 1975. - 135 p. -(94th Congr., 1st sess. Joint Comm.print).
B 37-533; B 37-605
B 37-533
R /”45 The ro]_e of advisory committees in U.S.Foreign policy. Frepa ed for the Comm.on foreign relations U.S.Senate. Comm, on intern.relations. U.S.House of representatives by Foreign division. Congressional research service, library of Congress. April 1975.
- Wash.: CFO, 1975. - 135 p. -(94th Congr., 1st sess. Joint Comm.print).
B 37-533; B 37-605

233.5 R-745
The role of agriculture in economic development.A conference of the Universities-National bureau comm, for economic research.Ed.by Erik Thorbecke, N.Y.,National Bureau of Economic Research,1969.
x, 480 p. Index:pp.451-480.

233.5 R-745
The role of agriculture in economic development.A conference of the Universities-National bureau comm, for economic research.Ed.by Erik Thorbecke, N.Y.,National Bureau of Economic Research,1969.
x, 480 p. Index:pp.451-480.
M 30 R-745	Role of arms control in U.S. defense policy.Hearings before the Comm.on foreign affairs. H.of repr.June 20,21,26,July 25 1984. Wash.,GPO,1984. 430p. /U.S.Congr./
M 30	*
W 37
B 37-611.2	6763
M 30 R-745	Role of arms control in U.S. defense policy.Hearings before the Comm.on foreign affairs. H.of repr.June 20,21,26,July 25 1984. Wash.,GPO,1984. 430p. /U.S.Congr./
M 30	*
W 37
B 37-611.2	6763
ft-745 The role of automation and robotics in advancing United States competitiveness.Hearing before the subcomm, on science, research and technology of the comm, on science and technology House of repres.99th congi 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
173 p.
ft-745 The role of automation and robotics in advancing United States competitiveness.Hearing before the subcomm, on science, research and technology of the comm, on science and technology House of repres.99th congi 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1986.
173 p.
R-745 The role of business incentives in the development of renewable energy technologies.Hearing before the subcomm, on energy development and applications of the comm on science and technology U.S. House of repres.97th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1982.
f"913; T90-64 131 p‘
R-745 The role of business incentives in the development of renewable energy technologies.Hearing before the subcomm, on energy development and applications of the comm on science and technology U.S. House of repres.97th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1982.
f"913; T90-64 131 p‘
The role of engineers and scientist in a national policy for technology. Report of the National Science Board. Wash.,GPO,1972.
ix, 48 p.
The role of engineers and scientist in a national policy for technology. Report of the National Science Board. Wash.,GPO,1972.
ix, 48 p.