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В 36(605)
R-425 The representation of the United States abroad.
/Ed.by Vincent M.Barnett/.-N.Y., Praeger,1965.-XIV,251p.
В 36(605)
R-425 The representation of the United States abroad.
/Ed.by Vincent M.Barnett/.-N.Y., Praeger,1965.-XIV,251p.
B 37»01
R-425 Representative American speeches: 1968-1969-Ed. by Lester Thonssen. N.Y.,Wilson,1969.
176 p. (The Reference shelf.Vol 41,N°4).
B 37»01
R-425 Representative American speeches: 1968-1969-Ed. by Lester Thonssen. N.Y.,Wilson,1969.
176 p. (The Reference shelf.Vol 41,N°4).
В 37.01
: в	934с
Representative American Speeches: 1969-1970.
/Ed.by Lester Thonssen/.-208p.-
N.Y.:H.W.Wilson 0°,1970.-Index: pp.205-208
Vol. 42, №4
В 37.01
В 37.01
: в	934с
Representative American Speeches: 1969-1970.
/Ed.by Lester Thonssen/.-208p.-
N.Y.:H.W.Wilson 0°,1970.-Index: pp.205-208
Vol. 42, №4
В 37.01
B 37.01
R-425	Representative American speeches:
1973-1974.Ed. by W.W.Braden. N.Y., H.W.Wilson C°,1974.
204 p. (The Reference shelf.Vol 46,№3). Cimulative author index:p. 203-204.
B # 0/
B 37.01
R-425	Representative American speeches:
1973-1974.Ed. by W.W.Braden. N.Y., H.W.Wilson C°,1974.
204 p. (The Reference shelf.Vol 46,№3). Cimulative author index:p. 203-204.
B # 0/
B 37.01
R-425	Representative American speeches:
1974-1975.Bd. by W.W.Braden. N.Y., H.W.Wilcon C°,1975.
189 p. (The Reference shelf.Vol 47.N°4). Cumulative author index:p. 187-189:.
B 37.01
R-425	Representative American speeches:
1974-1975.Bd. by W.W.Braden. N.Y., H.W.Wilcon C°,1975.
189 p. (The Reference shelf.Vol 47.N°4). Cumulative author index:p. 187-189:.
14 37
H 425
Reprograming action-trident submarine.Hearing before the Seapower and strategic and critical materials Subcomm.of the Comm.on armed services.House of repe.Sept. 23,1980. Wash.,GPO,1980.
48 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
14 37;H 33
14 37
H 425
Reprograming action-trident submarine.Hearing before the Seapower and strategic and critical materials Subcomm.of the Comm.on armed services.House of repe.Sept. 23,1980. Wash.,GPO,1980.
48 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
14 37;H 33
R-426	Republican papers.Ed. by M.R.
Laird. N.Y.,Daoubleday,1968.
500 p.
A 33X/6
R-426	Republican papers.Ed. by M.R.
Laird. N.Y.,Daoubleday,1968.
500 p.
A 33X/6
R-426 Republican platform."A better future for all”.Prep.by the comm.on re solutions to the Republican national convention.Aug.21,1972. Miami Beach, Fla.,1972.
ii,73 p.