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A report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget - Part II. Reducing the deficit: spending and revenue options.	Wash.,GPO,1985.
xiv, 350 p.	(The Congress
of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office).
£-425 A report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget. Part I. The economic and budget outlook: fiscal years 1988-1992. Part II. Reducing the deficit: spending and revenue options. Wash., GPO, 1987.
P.I. xxiii,162 p.
P.II. Ill, 284 p. rg26>3
£-425 A report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget. Part I. The economic and budget outlook: fiscal years 1988-1992. Part II. Reducing the deficit: spending and revenue options. Wash., GPO, 1987.
P.I. xxiii,162 p.
P.II. Ill, 284 p. rg26>3
A report to the Senate and
House Committees on the Budget -Part II. Reducing the deficit: spending and revenue options.
Wash.,GPO,1988 xvi, 374 p
A report to the Senate and
House Committees on the Budget -Part II. Reducing the deficit: spending and revenue options.
Wash.,GPO,1988 xvi, 374 p
r-425 A- report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget - Part I.The economic and budget outlook;fiscal years 1989-1993.-Wash.:GPO,1988.
P. xxiii, 147 p. (The Congress of the U.S.Congressional Budget Office).
r-425 A- report to the Senate and House Committees on the Budget - Part I.The economic and budget outlook;fiscal years 1989-1993.-Wash.:GPO,1988.
P. xxiii, 147 p. (The Congress of the U.S.Congressional Budget Office).
K 35
R 425
The Reporter’s Handbook: An Investigation’s Guide to Documents and Techniques/ Ed. by J. Ullmann, J Colbert. - 2nd ed. - N.Y.: St. Martins Press. 1991. - 457 p.
K 35
R 425
The Reporter’s Handbook: An Investigation’s Guide to Documents and Techniques/ Ed. by J. Ullmann, J Colbert. - 2nd ed. - N.Y.: St. Martins Press. 1991. - 457 p.
R-425 Reporting of selected major civil projects needs improvement. Wash., Comptroller General of the U.S.,1976.
iii, 23 p. (Report to the Cong ress by The Comptroller General of the U.S.)
R-425 Reporting of selected major civil projects needs improvement. Wash., Comptroller General of the U.S.,1976.
iii, 23 p. (Report to the Cong ress by The Comptroller General of the U.S.)
Bll R-425
Reports of Helsinki-accord, mino monitors in the Soviet Union.Vol.2 of the documents of the public groups to promote observance of the Helsinki agreements in the USSR.:A partial compilation./Ed. and prep, by the Staff of the commission on security and cooperation in Europe.June 3, 1977.-Helsinki : The Commission on Security and^jooperation in Europe, 1977. -80 pft	B11
Bll R-425
Reports of Helsinki-accord, mino monitors in the Soviet Union.Vol.2 of the documents of the public groups to promote observance of the Helsinki agreements in the USSR.:A partial compilation./Ed. and prep, by the Staff of the commission on security and cooperation in Europe.June 3, 1977.-Helsinki : The Commission on Security and^jooperation in Europe, 1977. -80 pft	B11
37-609 Reports submitted to Congress R 425 pursuant to the foreign relations authorization act,>!.Y,1979 (Public law 93-426 ). Subnni it . to the Conun. on fore Ign re la lion; :.:	, Je n; ito
and. Comm.on. foreign ■ fairs.U.J. Housg of repr., l’i tir i.[.J. Jennie. July 1979. Wash.,Giu,1979.
194 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,1)
B 37-609; E 30
3 124
37-609 Reports submitted to Congress R 425 pursuant to the foreign relations authorization act,>!.Y,1979 (Public law 93-426 ). Subnni it . to the Conun. on fore Ign re la lion; :.:	, Je n; ito
and. Comm.on. foreign ■ fairs.U.J. Housg of repr., l’i tir i.[.J. Jennie. July 1979. Wash.,Giu,1979.
194 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,1)
B 37-609; E 30
3 124