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M-431	Mathison,Stuart L.,Walker,Philip M.
Computers and telecommunications: issues in public policy. Engle wood Cliffs,N.J.,Prentice-Hal.l, 1970. xviii,270 p.
• f cJ0-ly: rSC-CZ ’ CSC
M-433	Maties,James J. and Higgins,James
Them and us.Struggles of a rani and-file union. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,Prentice-Hall,1974.
vii,311 p. Index:p.305-311.
• Ajy
Matlock, Jacl
Autopsy on an Ernpii'e. The American Ambassadox’’ 3 Account of the Collapse of tiie Soviet Union. N.Y. , itundoid House, 1995.S36 p«
B 37-64

Matlock, Jack I’1.
REAGAN and GORBACHEV. How the Cold War Ended. N.Y., Random House 2005, 363 p.
M-438 Matthews Ralph
The creation of regional dependency. Toronto a.o., University of Toronto Press,1983»
x,246 p. Indexspp.235-246.
M-442 Matthews Roy
Challenge from the third, world.: a threat to Canadian industry and workers? Roy Matthews. Vol.XXXVIII, N0.4. Toronto,Canadian Institute of International Affairs,1981.
24 p. (Behind the headlines).
r 822
M-444 Mattson, Lawrence Garfield
The historic continentalist-natio-nalist debate and the American corporation in Canada: their relationship in current Canadian controversy over the American corporations. Claremont Graduate School,1976.
xiii, 214 p. Bibliogr.:pp.l98-211. (An authorized facsimile pro-duoed in 1977) r^CSSi'
/337 c t I'd /3 f a z_
r 952
M-464 Maximum safe speed for motor vehicles.Office of research and program synthesis,National highway safety bure Wash.,GPO,1969.
vii,81 p.
B 37-64
M 465 Maxwell K., Spiegel S.
The New Spain. From Isolation to Influence. - N.Y.: Council on foreign relations press. - 126 p.
715 d
r 90
Maxwell J.
Energy from the Arctic:facts and issues. Montreal,Canadian-American Committee,1973«
x,125 p.
M-465 Maxwell,James A.
Financing state and local governments. Rev.ed.	Wash.,The Brookings
xvii,275 p.
B 37-601
M-465 liaxwell , Ste
601 c
___.'well, Stephen
Rationality in Deterrence.-L.: The Institute for Strategic Studies, 1968.-19p.
(Adelphi Papers,II 50,Aug., 1968)
B 37-601
B 37-602
M-466	May,Ernest R.
'’Lessons'* of the past.The use and. misuse of history in American foreigh policy.	N.Y.,OUP,1973.
XIV,220 p.	Index:p.213-220.
b 33
M-.466 May,Henry F.
Protestant churches and industrial America. N.Y.,a.0.,Harper,1967«
XVIII,297 p.
•	M3>
M-466 May Michael M. ,Bing George F., Steinbruner John D.
Strategic arms reductions: Prepared in cooperations with the Lawrence Libermore national Laboratory. Wash.:The Brookings Institution, 1988.-xvii, M 73 p.
PI02; PI02; И37