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T 921 M417	Massio J.L. Essentials of management. - New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987.-301 p.
700 d
Masson,Jack К. and Anderson,James D.
Emerging party politics in urban Canada. Toronto,McClelland and Stewart ,1972.
ix,212 p. Index:p.209-212.
Г98 М-423	16061; Mastering the world economy. Hearings before the comm, on finance U.S.Senate.100th congr.,1st sess. (Partsl of 4;	;3 of 4; 4 of 4) Wash.,GPO,1987. P.l of 4.	158 p. P. 2 of 4. P.3.of 4.	209 p. P. 4. of 4	208 p. Г98О
4733 c
b 11
M-423 Mastny, Vojtech
Russia’s Road to the Cold War. Diplomacy, Warfare, & the Politics of Communism, 1941-1945.-N.Y.: Columbia U.P., 1979.-XIX, 409 p.--Index:p. 399-409.
B 11; B 35; B 0
M-424 Masuda Yoneji
The information society as post--industrial society. Wash., World Future Society,1983» xiv,171 p.
n356;	K38
M-425 Materials policy.Hearings before the subcomm.on science, technology, and space of the comm.on commerce,science, and transportation.U.S.Senate. 95th congr,,lst sess. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
197 p.
330	39 w, /331
F 90
M-425 Materials policy and solid waste management.Hearing before the subcomm.on science,research and technology of the comm.on science and technology.U.S.House of repres.95th congr.,2nd sess. Wash. GPO,1978.
141 p.
The materials policy, research, and development act of 1979» Hearings before the subcomm, on natural resources and environment and the subcomm. on science, research and technology of the comm, on science and technology.U.S.House of repres.96th Wash.,GPO,1979.
C 30-19) £32', r3O-t>£,
congr.,1st sess. V,445 p.
Materials research and development policy.Hearings before the subcomm, on transportation,aviation and materials of the comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.98th congr.,1st sess. Wash., GPO,1984.
364 p.
f431; T9O-69;
F933.1; T934.4
Materials shortages: impact on small business.Hearing befpie the subcomm, on retailing, distribution,and marketing-practices of the select comm, on small business. U.S.Senate. 93rd congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1974.
VIII, 645 p.
B 37-202
M-426	Mathematical applications in po-
litical science.Vol.1.Ed. by John M.Cla unch. Dallas,Southern Methodist Univ. Press,1969.
vii,85 p.
lb 51-2.0^11
B 37-202
M-426	Mathematical applications in po-
litical science.Vol.2.Ed. by Joseph L. Bernd. Dallas,Southern Methodist Uni Press,1968.
X,208 p.
£> 37 -202
B 37-202
M-426	Mathematical applications in
political science.Vols.3,4.Ed. by Jo* seph L.Bernd. Charlottesville,Univ. Press of Virginia,1967-1969.
Vol.3. XV,119 p.
Vol.4.	83 p.
Matheson W.A
The prime minister and the cabinet.	Toront o,London,Sydney.Wel-
lington, Methuen:Canadian Politics and Government,1976.
x, 246 p.
£>2 23	3>',
IT 35.1
Mathews D.
Politics for People: Finding a Responsible Public Voice. — Urbana, Chicago: University of Illinois press, 1994.-228 p.
668 d