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5251 o
1-34 The Impact of the Iranian Events//^ upon Persian Gulf & United. States Security.-Wash.: The American Foreign Policy Institute, 1979.-IV, 195 p.-
BO; B37-64; B 11;
1-34 The impact of multinational corporations on development and on international relations. N.Y.,United Nations 1974.
162 p. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs).
' 'rst>
1-34 Impact of new technologies on the arms race. A Pugwash monograph. Camb ridge,Mass.,The MIT Press,1971»
xx, 579 P. Index:pp.373-579«
1-34 The impact of the October Middle East War.Hearings before the subcomm, on the Near East and South Asia of the comm.on foreign affairs... 93 congr., 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1973.
x,159 p.
1-34 The impact of OSHA. a study of the effects of the occupational safety and health act on three key industries--aerospace, chemicals, and textiles. By H.R. Northrup, Rowan R.L. a.o. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Industrial Research Unit,1978.
xxii,5&5 p. Index:pp.551-5&5.
Г 90
1-34 The impact of the president’s energy plan on the Northeast. Hearing before the subcomm.on energy of the joint economic comm.Congress of the U.S. 95th congr.,1st sess. Wash., SPO,1977.
IV,135 P.
Г'S52.4} Г

Impact of proposed regulatory-authority of the Office of Federal Procurement policy on national defense and related government activi-t es.Hearing before the comm, on armed services.U.S.Senate.98th congr., 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1984.
214 p.
f914; H30j B37-532.6
^1 25
1-34 The impact of research and develop ment on productivity growth.-Wash.: GPO,1989.-5O p.
25; p924;
T 90-70
_ ' "	dp.1100
I 90-70
1-34 The impact of robotics on employment.Hearing before the subcomm, on economic goals and intergovernmental policy of the Joint economic comm. Congress of the U.S. 98th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1983»
31 P.
T9O-7O; T927
I-34	Impact of robots and computers on
the work force of the 1980 *• Hearings before the subcomm, on general oversight and the economy of the comm, on small business.House of repres. 98th congr.,1st sess.
255 p.
' 90-70; V90-62
The impact of the Russian revolution 1917-1967. The influence of Bolschevism on the world outside Rus si a. With an intr> essay by Arnold J.Toynbee.	L.a.o.,Ox-
ford Univ.Press,1967«
VI, 557 p. (Royal inst.of intern, affairs). Index:pp.555-557.
Impact of SALT on U.S.military rose arch and. de vol opment.' io ar ing before the Subcomm.on research and development of the Comm.on armed services.U.S.Senate.June -,1979» Wash.,GPO,1979.
1-34 The impact of science and technology on regional economic development. Wash. National Academy of Science,1969.
xiii,112 p.
1-54 The impact of secondary treatment on wastes discharged into the ocean.Hearing before the subcomm.on environmental pollution of the comm.on public works... 95 congr.,2d sess. Wash., GP0,1974.
425 p.
The impact of social trends on cri me and criminal justice. Cincinnati Santa Cruz, Anderson.Davis,1976.
XXX, 550 p.
(Project star)