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I 921.4
I-34 The impact of computers on management. Ed. by Charles A.Myers. Cambridge Mass.,19&7.
X,310 p.
B 57-64 Impact of Cuban-Soviet ties in'
I 34 the Western hemisphere.Hearings before the Subcomm.on inter-Amer? can affairs of the Comm.on intern.relations .U.S .House of repr .March 14,15; Apr.5,12,1978. Wash.,GPO,1978;
199 P* (U.S.0ongr.,95.Sess.,2).
B 37-64;B 37-671
Impact of Cuban-Soviet ties in the 34 Western'hemisphere,Spring 1980.Hearings before the Subcomm.on inter-amc affairs of the Comm.on foreign affain House of repr.Harch 26,27;April 16,17 and Hay 14,1980. Wash.,GP0,1980.
. 122 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
1;B 37-64
f 90
1-34 Impact of current economic crisis on foundations and recipients of foundation money.Hearings before the subcomm on foundations of the comm.on finance.
U.S.Senate. 93rd congr.,2dsess. Wash GPO,1974.
VI, ^42 p.
r$€>'/r9'u.v, re/y,
The impact of defense cutbacks on American communities.Report of the Pre-si dent* s econ. adjustment comm.on communities affected by the defense facilit; and activity realinements announced on April 17» 1973. Comm.on public works. Wash.,GPO,1973.
1-54 Impact of the energy crisis on state and local governments (1975).Hearing befoie the subcomm.on intergovernmental relations of the comm.on government operations.U.S.Senate.94th congr.,1st sess. Part 2. Wash.,GPO,1975.
P.2. IX,576 p.
F &O',	$7-^
B37 1-34
Impact of energy prices and infla tion on American families.Hearing be-energy of> Congress of the sess.
fore the subcomm, on joint economic comm. U.S. 96th congr.,2nd Wash.,GPO,1981.
74 p.
Impact of federal pollution, control and abatement expenditures on manpower requirements. Wash.,GPO,1975.
vii,60 p. (U.S.Department of Labor.Bureau of Labor Statistics).
M ii 1-34
The Impact of Gorbachev’s Reform Movement on the Soviet Military. Hearing before the Defense Policy Panelof the Comm, on Armed Services House of Repr. 100th Congr.,2nd Sess. -Wash.; GPO, 1989.-102 p.
1-34 Impact of imported petroleum products on the domestic petroleum industry. Hearing before the subcomm, on energy regulation and conservation of the comm.on energy and natural re-
sources U.S.Senate.99th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1985.
r	579 p.
I 918.1; T932.8;	A
T984.1	W
P913.2 1-34
Impact of imports on small business: Joint hearing before the subcomm, on export opportunities and special small business problems and the subcomm. on tax, access to equity capital and business opportunities of the Comm, on small business.House of rep-res./99th Congr.,lst sess.-Wash.:HPO, 1986.-107 p. _	T913.2; T918.1
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental relations
The impact of increased insurance on public deposits. Wash.,1977«
Г 82
Impact of international business: challenges and solutions for policy and practice I ed. by H.Tuselmann [at al.].-New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.-XXII, 275 p.: ill.- (The Acad, of intern, business).- Ind.: p. 265-275. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Г 980
The impact of growth on the environment. Hearings before the subcomm, on air and water pollution of the cornu on public works... 93 congr.,1st sess April 2 and 3 1973. Wash.,GPO,1973.
158 p.
Impact of the freedom of information act and the privacy act on intelligence activities. Hearing before the subcommittee on legislation of the permanent select committee on intelligence house of representatives . Ninety- sixth congress. First session. April, 5 , 1979. -Washington : GPO, 1980. - 182 p.