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Foreign direct investment in the U.S. Report of the Secretary of CommerC' to the Congress in compliance with the foreign investment study act of 1974 (Public Law 95-479).Vol.j5:Appendix A.-Vol.4: Appendices B-F.	Wash. ,GPO, 197'
V.3.4p. A.- Industrial and geographic concentration. vi, 287 p.
V.4.Ap. B.- Energy; C - Selected Na, tural resources; D -commercial fisheries; E - Grain trade; F - Banking. pa; var.
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F-714 Foreign direct investment in the United. States. Report of the Secretary of Commerce to the Congress in Compliance with the Foreign Investment Study Act of 1974. (Public Law 95-479)« Vols.1-9. Wash.,U.S.Department of Commerce,1976.
Vol* 1. Report of the Secretary of Commerce to the Congress. 249 p.
see next card A	rwD'.rwr /3 37-^;
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F-714 Foreign direct investment in the
U.S. Vols.1-9. Wash.,1976.
Vol.2. Report of the Secretary of Commerce: Benchmark Survey,1974. 229 p
Vol.3. Appenix A - Industrial and
Geographic Vol.4. Vol.5. Vol.6. Vol.7. Vol.8. Vol.9.
Concentration. A-287 p.
Appendices B-F.	pag.var.
Appendices G-I.	pag.var.
Appendix J.	J-.51.5 p.
Appendix K.	K-442 p.
Appendices L-M. pag.var.
App<^^ ndices N-R. pag.var
W	‘ r98l ' rw. r&)
SI 25
F-714 Foreign direct investment in the United States completed transactions, 1974-1983«Vols.I-III. Prep, by: investment analysis division projsct director: Leslie B.Simon.June 1985« Wash.,GPO, 1985«
Vol.I. Source country. 163 p«
Vol. II.Industry sector.(Standard Industrial Classification). 169 P«
. Vol.III. State location. 165 p« /1 25; T980
T980 F-714
Foreign direct investors in the United States. Wash., U.S.Depart; of Commerce, 1976.
57 P.
B 56 Foreign economic asdistance pr°S“
F 714 ra^s^£1“2,(uJ^congr.,Selected exe-cutive^sess.hearings oè the Comm.on internat .relations .Vol •
P. 1 .Foreign assistance act of 1948.
19P® 2.Extension Of the European re co-very program. 1976»	664 p.
B 56
F_'7i4 Foreign economic policy for the United States.Ed.by Seymour E.Harris. N.Y.»Greenwood Press,1968.
XIII,490 p.
rs^'( rWT( r5t&rf
A foreign economic policy for the 1970*s.Hearings before the subcomm.on
foreign economic policy of the Joint Economic Comm. ... 91 congr.,lst sess.
Parts 1-4. Wash.,GPO,1970.
P.l.	rv,
P. 2.	IV,
P. 5.	IV,
P. 4.	IV,
160 p.
pp.161-455 pp.457-745 pp.745-958
F-714 A foreign economic policy for the 197O’s. Hearings before the subcomm.on foreign econ.policy of the Joint econ. comm. 91 congr.,2d sess. Part 6, Wash.,GPO,1971.
P. 2. pp.1105-1259.
r 980 F-714
A foreign economic policy for the 1970*s.Hearings before the subcomm.on foreign economic policy of the Joint econ.comm.92 congr.,lst sess. Wash. GPO.1971.
P. 7. iv, pp.1261-1442.
r 980 F-714
Foreign, indebtedness to the United States.Comm.on finance,subcomm.on inter national finance and resources.Oct.29, 1973. Wash.,GPO,1973.
iv, 62 p. (93 congr.,lst sess)
Foreign industrial targetic.Hearing before the subcomm, on international finance and monetary policy of the comm, on banking, housing, and urban affairs U.S.Senate.98th congr.,1st sess. on foreign industria targeting,its results and its lessons for the U.S. Wash.,GPO,1983.
113 p.
r*980; f80
Foreign industrial targeting policies. Hearing before the subcomm, on economic goals and intergovernmental policy of the joint economic comm. Congress of the U.S. 98th congr., 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1983.
107 p.
1*980; Tso; ^984.1
F-714 Foreign intelligence electronic surveillance. Hearings before the subcomm.on legislation of the permanent select comm.on intelligence.House of repres.95th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO.1978.
305 p.
512 Foreign intelligence surveillance act
714 of 1977.Hearings before the Subcor. ?.on criminal laws and. procedures .of the Comm.on the judiciary.Senate.June 13,14, 1977. Wash.,GPO,1977.
159 P.
E 312;# 38;E 311