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F-714 Foreign assistance and related programs.Dec.14,1970.Conference report. Wash.,GPO,1970.
7 p. (91 congr.,2d sess)
F-714 Foreign, assistance and related programs,1971.Dec.29,1970.0 onference report. Wash.,GPO,1970.
8 p. (91 congr.,2d sess)
F-714 Foreign assistance and related programs appropriations for fiscal year 1972.Hearings before a subcomm.of the comm.on appropriations... 92 congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1971.
142 9 p.
r 982 F-714
Foreign assistance and related programs appropriations for fiscal year 1975.Hearings before a subcomm.of the comm.on appropriations... 92 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1972.
1182 p. - XIX p. indexes
F-714 Foreign assistance and related programs appropriations for fiscal year 1974.Hearings before a subcomm.of the comm.on appropriations... 93 congr.,1st sess.Parts 1-2. Wash.,GPO,1973.
Parts 1-2.	1615 p. - xxii p. in-
B 37-62 Foreign assistance and related
F 714 progrnas appropriations for fiscal year 1976.Hearings before a Subcorm, of the Corm.on appropriations.Senate. Wash.,GPO,1975«
1518 p. (U.S.Congr94.Sess.,1).
B 37-62
B 57-62
F 714
Foreign assistance and related programs appropriations.For fiscal year 1976.Hearings before a Subcomm.of the Comm.on appropriations.Senate. Wash.,GPO,1976.	*
145 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,1).
B 57-62
P 982 Foreign assistance and related
F 714 programs appropriations for fiscal year 1977»Hearings before the Sub-corun.of the Comm.on appropriations. Senate. Wash.., GPO, 1976.
1194 P» (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
r_38?;B 37-69;B B 37-64
B 37-62
F 714
Foreign assistance and related programs appropriations for fiscal• year 1978.Hearings before a Subcom. of the Comm.on appropriations.Senate. - Wash.,GPO,1977,
1386 p. (U.S.Congr.,93.Sess.,1
B 37-62
programs appropriations for 19'0. Hearings before a .Subcoinm. of the 0 oum. on appropriat i one .P.1-J.
U.S.House of. re or.	Wash. ,GF0,.1979
3 vol. (U.S.ConSr.,96.Sbss.,1)
Foreign assistance and related program."'- appropriations for .19.;0.Hearings. .
P.1.	1979-	• 24 n.
P.2.	1979.	205 p.
P.5.	1979.	40 p.
1-405°;2-4657;5“ 4650
B 37-62
F 714
Foreign assistance authorization. Arms sales issues.Hearings before the Subcorm.on foreign assist.of the Com.on foreign relations .Senate. Wash.,GPO,1976.
V,669 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,
B 37-62
£'-714 Foreign assistance authorization.
Examination of U.S.foreign aid programs and policies.Hearings before the subcomm, on foreign assistance of the comm on foreign relations.U.S.Senate.June 5 and 13, July 17, 21, 23 and 29,Sept. 17 and 23, 1975. Wash.,GPO,1975.
778 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,1).
F-714 Foreign assistance authorization.
Hearings before the comm.on foreign relations... to amend the foreign ass. act of 1961, and fo^ other purpose. June 7, 21, and July 24 and 25,1974.
V, 545 p. (U.S. Congr.,93,Sess.2)
B 57-62 Foreign assistance authorization F 714 Hearings before the Comm.on foreign relations and. the Subcomm.on foreign assist.of the Comm.on foreign relations.Senate.March 23,24,25. 1977.	Wash.,GPO,19774
259 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,l)
B 37-62