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F-529 Fishlow Albert
Rich, and poor nations in the world economy.Albert Fislow,Carlos F.Diaz-Alejandro,Richard R.Fagen, Roger D.Hansen. N.Y. a. o. »LIcGraw--Hill Book Company,1978.
xii, 264 p. Index:pp.257-262. (1980s Project/Council on foreign relations).
fSo. f88; T982
Fishlow Albert, Carriere Jean, Sekiguchi Sueo
Trade in manufactured products with developing countries; reinforcing North-South partnership. Report of the Trilateral Task Force on
North-South Trade to The Trilateral
Commission* N.Y.,The Trilateral Commission,1981.
per^?5P> (The Triple, pa-
F-537 Dishman Betty G.,Fishman Leo
Employment,unemployment,and economic growth. N.Y.,Thomas Y Crowell Co.,1969«
X, 143 p. Index:pp.l39~lzi-3
rm 6?
1855 c
F-554 Fitzgerald, Frances
Fire in the Lake. The Vietnamese & the Americans in Vietnam.-Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown & 0°., 1972.--491 p.-Index:p.477-491.
B37-683; B37-64
14107 r82
£'-553 Fitzgerald J. Joseph
Black gold with grit. Sidney, British Columbia, Gray’s Publishin Ltd.,1978.
xvi,264 p. Index:pp.257-264
r822.01 T823.512
F-554 Fitzgerald L., and Murphy Joseph Installing quality circles: a strategic approach. San Diego, University Associates,Inc.,1982.
vii,134 p. Bibliogr.:pp.133-134.
r921;2; ^21,8
F-565	500 Contractors receiving the
largest dollar volume of prime contract awards for research, development test, and evaluation.Fiscal Year 1984 Wash.,GPO, 1984.
31 p.
r 913
F-565 . Five-year budget projections.Hearings before the subcomm.on priorities and economy in government of the joint economic comm.Congress of the U.S.
94th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1976 75 p.
r 926.3
F-565 Five-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1960-1984.A report to the Senate and House Committees on the budget.Part II. Wash.,GP0,1979.
xix, 91 P* (The Congress of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office).
re 2.^,5
F 92 6
F-565 Pive-year budget projections and alternative budgetary strategies for fiscal years 1980-1934 supplemental report on tax expenditures. June 1979» ix, 53 p. (The Congress of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office).
F-565 Five-year budget projections,fiscal years 1977-1981.As required by the congressional budget and impoundment control act of 1974,P.L.9^-544. Wash.,GP0,1976.
ix, 62 p.
£ r326 i
F-565 Five-year budget projections: fiscal years 1978-1982. Wash.,GPO,1976.
XV, 5^ p. (The Congress of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office).
F-365 Five-year budget projections: fiscal years 1979-1983. Technical Background. January 1978. Wash.,GPO, 1978.
vi, 160 p. (The Congress of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office)
r S2X.3
I 926.3
F-565 Five-year budget projections: fiscal years 19S1-19S5.A report to the Senate and House Comm on the budget.- Part II. Wash.,GPO,19SO.
xiXj52 p. (The Congress of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office).
PT 30 Five-year defense planning.Hearing F 5^5 before the Task force on national security and intern.affairs of the Conn.on the budget.House of repr. July 14,1977.	Wash.,GPO,1977.
51 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,1).
TI 3QîH 401 jU 41