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PE 31 Fiscal year 1977 authorisation for F 528 military procurement,research and development , and active duty,selected reserve and civilian personnel strengths .Hearings before the Comm.on armed services.Senate.P.1-13» Wash.,GPO, 1976.
13 vol. (U.S.Congress).
Pt 31
Fiscal year 1977 authorisation for...
P.1^Authorizations;	1976.	585-p.
P.2.—"—’’—”—"—.	1976.	587-
1212 p. -	•	■	■
P.3«Manpower.	1976.	1215-1934 p.
P.4.Research and. development. 1976. 1935-2306 p.	■
P.5«Authorizations.	1976.	2509-
5058 p.
P. 6. Res earch and. development. 1976. 3059-3925 p. /->2i- <?/■? • ■
O 3-52//? t-/-32/£	"2
“ 5~- 3 2O'j, 6 - ^2 02
Fiscal year 1977 authorization for...
P.7.Manpower. 1976.	3227-4596 p.
P.8.Shipbuilding.Cost' growth and escalation. 1976.	4597-4665 p.
■P.9.Tactical airpower.	1976.
4667-5222 p.	•
P.10.----”--"----•*--.	1976.
5225-5736 p.
'P.11.Research and developnent. 1976. 5737-6530 p.
a	c.c.k.
Fiscal year 1977 authorization for.
F.12.Research and development. 1976.	6331-7095 p.
. P.13«Budget amendments.Ravy shipbuilding and minuteman III. 1976.* 7097-7315 P.
IT 31 Fiscal year 1977 defense
F 528 budget.Hearings before the ' Task force on national security programs of the Comm.on the budget.House of repr.
March 2,4,1976. Wash.,GPO, 1976.
737 P* (U.S.Congr.,94.
IT 31î' Sess., 2).
' r 926i3
r 915-1
3'1 Fiscal year 1978 authorization
F 32S for military procurement,research and development, and active duty, ' scl'ctsô reserve eC oi”ili'r **^r— some! strFrfytîig.	"before the
Coimi.on armed services .Senate .1.1-9» hash., GPO,1977.
9 vol. (U.S.Congress).
H 31
n 31
F 528
Fiscal year 1978 authorization for ' military procurement,research and development, and active duty,selected reserve and civilian personnel strengths .Hearing; before the Comm.on armed services.Senate P.1O--11 < ■ Wash.,GPO,1977.
2 vol.
H 31
Fiscal year 1973 authorization for military.procurement,•..Hearings ...
p. 10.Research and development.Gene-' ral legislation.	1977•	6455-7016 pp.
P. 11.’fitness list and index. 1977.
75 P.
PI 30 F 528	Fiscal year 1979 arES control inpact statements.Subnit.to the Cone-by the President pursuant,Ju£e 197S. Wash.,GPO,1979.	’ 268 p. (U-S.Congr.,95.Sess.,2).
30;kl 37;M 3Z1;T'926 B 37-611.2;B 37-64
PI 31 Fiscal year 1979 defense budget F 3'28 overview.Hearings before the Task force on national security and intern.affairs of the Conn.on the budget.U.S.House of renr.Febr.21, 23; Liar ch 1,7,1978.	Wash.,GPO,1978
■483 p. (U.S.Congr.,93»Sess.,2)
M 31;T 926.3;
Ï1 913.1
fi 51
F 528
Fiscal year 1979 Department of energy authorisation for atomic energy defense activities.Hearin before the Com.on armed service U.3.S enat e.Apr.24,1978.	Wash.,
258 p.	(U.S.Congr.,95-Soso.
to »
FI 51926.5;T 952.
B 57-555
.Fiscal year 1979 supplemental military authorisation.Hearings before the C omm. on atme cl t ervi c e s.U.S.S enat о. Fehr .7,9 ;March 7,19 ; Apr .3, 1979 • Wash.,GFO,1979.
370 n. (U-.S.Conpr.,9G.Sess.,1).
Fiscal year 1920 arms -control impact statements.Statements submit.to the Congress by the President purs.to' sect .^6 of the arms control and disarmament act.May i979» Wash. ,GPO,'1979*
275 p. (U.S.Congr.,9b.Sees .,1).
PC $1 ; PC 30; P 915.3 ;
B p7-6ii.2;B 57-64
2 57-39
fiscal year 1900 international security assistance authorisation. Hearings before the Comm.on foreign rolat.U.S.Senate.Pobr.26,March 1,2, ■-,12,16,20;Apr.5,50,1979- Wash.,' Q-PO,1979-
525 p. (U.S .Congr., 96 .Seas ., 1) .
4 b‘ 6
Il 31 Fiscal Year 1983 arms control im-F 528 pact statements. Statements submit.
to the Congr.by the President pursuant to section 36 6F?the arms control and disarmament act. March 1982. Wash.,. GPO,1982.
424 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,2)
II 31;Et 30; f*915.3;B 611.2;
B 37-64