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B 11	Expressing the sense of the
E 96 Congress with respect to the treat ment of Christians by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.June 12 1980. Wash.,GP0,1980.
45 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2) %
' • ■ . . ■!
B 11 ;B 37-64	_	5098
E-g6 Expressing the sense of the House of representatives with respect to ratification of the Convention on the
prevention and. punishment of genocide. Markup before the comm, on foreign affairs and its subcomm, on human rights and international on human rights and international organizations House of repres.99th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1985.
B37-61	45 p..
E-96 Expro-75. A listing of extramural pro jects to be funded in fiscal year 1975» Wash.,Office of Research and Development, 1974.
209 p.
FI 332
E 96
Extended knowledge: Philosophical Issues, 24, 2014. - Boston ma & Oxford uk:
Wiley Blackwell, 2014.- 481 p.
B 37-62
E 96
Extending most-favored-nation tariff treatment to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:including analysis of the trade and revenue affects,1980-84.Eebr.1980. Wash.,Intern.trade comm.,1980.
VI,164'..P. »ill.
B 37-62;B 37-64;
T 984.1;P 981.1
r 918.1
E-96	. Extending the antitrust exemp-
tion in the energy policy and conservation act.Hearing before the comm, on energy and natural resources.U.S.Senate. 97th congr.,1st sess.	Wash.,GPO,1981.
42 p.
Г 913 Е-96
Extension and revision of the export administration act of 1969. Hearings and markup before the subcomm. on international economic policy and trade f the comm, onm foreign affairs .House of repres.96th congr., 1st sess. Part 1. Wash.,GPO,1979.
P. 1. VI,1160 p.
CW', г в S4.1
r431 E-96
Extension of authorization for the Water Resources Council. (97-21) Hearings before the subcomm, on water resources of the comm, on public works and transportation House of repres. 97th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1981.
270 p.
1*431; B37-533
B 37-62 E-96
Extension of MPS status to Romania.Hungary,and the People’s Republic of China.Hearings before the subcomm.on trade of the Comm, on ways and means.House of repr. July 12 and 13,1982. Wash.,GPO, 1982.
433p. /U.S.Congr.,97,sess.2/
B 37-62
B 37-64
T 981
5360 $
T 981
* 96
Extension of most-favored-nation treatment to Romania.Hearing before the Subcomm.on trade of the Comm, on ways and means.house of r opr.Sept* 14,1976. *7ash. ,GFC,1976. •
520 p. (L'»S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
T 981
B 37-62;B 57-64
B 57-532.2
E-96 Extension of the defense production act.Hearing before the comm, on banking, housing, and urban affairs U.S.Senate.98th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1983. 129 p.
M 32
T 980 Extension of the export administra-E 96 tion act .Hearings before the Subcoiam.
on intern .finance of the CoEnn.on banking,housing and urban affairs.Senate.
595 p.	(U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
r 980;B 57-62;T 984.1
I* 984.1 Extension of the export admi-E 96 nistration act of 1969.Hearings before the Comm.on internirela-tions.House of repr.P.1-2. Wash GPO,1976.
2.vol.	(U.S.Congress).
P.I.June 0,9,10,11,15,16;Aug. 10,24,1976^	1976.	809 p.'
F 984.1	1976.	91 p. 1-3408;2-3409
B 37-64;B 37-62;
B 37-671 Extension of the president’s
E 96 authority to waive section 402 .(freedom of emigration requirements) of the trade act of 1974.Hearing before the Subcomm.on intern.trade of the Comm.on finance.U.S.Senate. July 21,1980. Wash.,GPO,1980.
515 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
B 37-671;B 37-62;
T 984.1981;E 31
Extent of Subversion in Campus Disorders. Testimony of Max Phillip Friedman. Hearings... subcomm.to investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Judiciary, U.S.Senate 91st congr.,1st sess. P. 2. Aug.12,1969 Wash.,GP0,1969.
P. 2. pp. 89-190. Index:pp. 177-190.