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r 98
E-96 Export licensing of advanced technology: a review.Hearing before the subcom on international trade and commerce of the comm.on international relations. House of repres.94th congr.,2nd sess. Part II. Wash.,GPO,1976.
P. II. 111,27 p.
EPA4’1 -b« Wort licensing of advanced
95 thph§1°H°S7îa review-Hearings before-the Subconn.on intern.trade and conferee of the Comm.on intern.relations, House of repr.March 11,15,24,30 1075 Wash., GPO, 1975,	> i>/o.
276 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
r 984.1;r 980;? 981
r 984.1
E 96
Export policy.Hearing before the Subcoiam.on intern.finance of the C own..on banking,hows ing,and urban affairs .U.S .Senate .P.1-8.
8 vol. (U.S.Congress).
Export policy.Hearing...
P.1 .Febr.o,197S.' 197S.	219P»
P.2;Febr.23,1978;	1978.	220 p.
P.3.March 9j^97S»	1978.	533 p.
1978.	'958 p.
•P.5.March 30,1978.	1978.	127 P»
P.6.Anr.5,1078. ' 1978. •	440 p.
P.7.May 16,1978.	1978.	364 p.
P.S.May 17,1978.. 1978.	175.P-
A 1-4433;2-4432;3-4431 W 4-4430;5-4429;6-4428 7-4427;8-4426
bp. 2254
r 923
E 99
Export promotion: problems with commerce’s Commercial Information Management System: Report to the Chairman, Subcomm.on foreign commerce and tourism, Comm.on commerce, science, and transportation, U.S.Senate. -Wash., GAO, 1939. - 28 p. - (United States General Accounting office. August 1989)*	r 923; r921.0; K 38
£ :
E-96 The export reorganization, act -1975. Hearings before the comm, on government operations.U.S.Senate.94th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO,1975.
V, 535 p.
r 984.1 Export reorganization act of E 96	1976.Hearings before the Comm.on
government operations.Senate• Jan.19,2O,29,3O;March 9,1976. Wash.,GPO,1976.
2048 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess. 2).
F 984.1;P980;B 37-62;
B 37-64;B 37-611.2; 4 r 932.1	■
r 984.1	■ S .1459: emport reorganization
E 96 act of 1976.Hearings before the Joint comm.on atomic energy. Congress of the U.S.Vol.2. Julv 28 and Aug.p1,1976» Ua?h.,GPO,1976.
251 r. (r.S.Con"r.,9^-Sees.,2).
T 984.1	3529
T 984-.
E 96
Export reorganisation act of 1976. Pep.of the Comm.on government operations .Senate .May 15,1976. Wash., GP0,1976.
58 p. (U.S .Congr., 94-.Sess ., 2) .
P 984.1
E-96 Export trading companies.Hearings and markup before the comm, on foreign affairs and its subcomm, on international economic policy and trade House of repres.96th congr., 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1980.
379 p.
E-96 Export trading companies, trade associations, and trade services.Report of the comm, on banking,housing, and urban affairs.U.S.Senate.
38 p. (97th congr.,1st sess.).
2 25
E-96 Exporters’ Encyclopaedia. 1979« World marketing guide. 74th annual edition. Ed. by P.E.Greene.	N.Y.,
Dun and Bradstreet International, Ltd.,1979.
xxxiv, 1460 p. Index: pag.var.
Exporters’ Encylopaedia. 1979. World marketing guide.74th annual edition. Ed.by P.F.Greene. Supplements. N.Y., Dun and Bradstreet International, Ltd.,1979.
Exporters’ profits on sales of U.S wheat to Russia. Wash.,Comptroller General of the United States,1974.
35 P.
r3W /
E—96 Exports of nuclear materials and technology.Hearings before the subcomm, on international finance of the comm, on banking,housing and urban affairs. U.S.Senate.93rd congr.,2d sess. Wash. 1974.
Ill, 120 p.
/~W /